Dr Lawrence lodged her personal papers with Curtin University Library in 2007. The papers relate to her time in the Western Australian Parliament, where she served initially as MLA for Subiaco (1986-89) and then as MLA for Glendalough (1989-94). Most of the papers date from Dr Lawrence's term as Premier (1990-1993).
There are volumes of newspaper clippings and media summaries covering the years of the Lawrence Government, speeches, electorate correspondence, circulars to ministers, memorabilia, media statements, and subject files on a variety of themes.
A series of about 300 photographs provide a fascinating visual record of Dr Lawrence's life as a local member, minister and then Premier, revealing the multitude of events attended and duties undertaken. |

Curtin University Library. Carmen Lawrence Collection. Records of Carmen Lawrence. Dr Carmen Lawrence, Minister for Education, 1988 - 1989. CUL00005/3/2 |
Accessing the Collection
The Carmen Lawrence Collection is held by the Library and housed in the John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library (JCPML) on the University's Bentley campus. Many of the items, including the speeches, photographs, memorabilia and media statements are available for viewing online.
Items in the digital archive are presented as: images (photographs, documents, objects); full text (contents of documents); audio and video (speeches); and finding aids (text containing information about the titles and descriptions of material which has not been digitised).
Researchers are also welcome to access the collection by visiting the JCPML. |
How is the collection arranged?
The collection is arranged into the following Creators and Series. Clicking on the title of each series will take you into the record in the digital archive where you can look at the files and items in each series.
Creator: Carmen Lawrence
Photographs collected by Carmen Lawrence.
This series of about 300 photographs covers 1986 to 1993 and provides a visual record of Dr Lawrence's life as a local member, minister and then Premier, revealing the multitude of events attended and duties undertaken. Also included are studio portraits taken by photographer Geoff Fisher.
Lawrence Government record books
This series consists of 8 volumes containing newspaper articles and television and radio news summaries covering state, national and international issues of importance to the Lawrence Government and the Australian Labor Party over the period 1990-1993. |

Curtin University Library. Carmen Lawrence Collection. Records of Carmen Lawrence. Premier Carmen Lawrence working at her desk, 1992. CUL00005/3/58 |
Speeches by Dr Carmen Lawrence
This series comprises the transcripts of over 760 speeches made by Premier Lawrence between February 1990 and February 1993, beginning with her first speech to the people of WA as Premier and ending with her address at the official opening of the new premises of the Stock Exchange in Perth. The speeches reflect the wide ranging engagements undertaken by the Premier- eg Chung Wah Association Chinese New Year Ball; Opening of Flexible Learning Centre in Albany; Aussie breakfast at Tomato Lake; Opening of Red Cross Appeal; Forum on Health Issues in the Pilbara; Name the Train Ceremony; Youthfest '92 Opening Ceremony; Welcome to the President of Ireland; and Regional Policy Launch - Mandurah.
Parliamentary questions: replies in writing
This series comprises Lawrence Government ministers’ replies to parliamentary questions and covers the period July 1990 to August 1992.
Circulars to ministers
This series comprises an incomplete set of circulars, sometimes accompanied by attachments, sent from the Office of the Premier to ministers of the Lawrence Government between September 1990 and January 1993 (Circular No 68/90 to No 1/93 incomplete). Also included are Circulars to Staff from this period, also incomplete.
Publications collected by Carmen Lawrence
This series comprises books, government reports, conference proceedings, etc on a range of issues including the status of women, the Australian Labor Party, men's health, urban planning, education and training, and the 1995 Royal Commission into the Use of Executive Power.
Premier’s media statements
This series comprises a comprehensive set of media statements made by Dr Lawrence while Premier of Western Australia. In the first, on 3 January 1990, the Premier asked for Russian Premier, Nikolai Rhyskov, to visit WA and in the last, on 29 January 1993, the Premier defended the government's position of promoting specific industries for downstream processing projects. The subjects cover the whole range of issues and concerns of the government, for example: WA will establish a breeding, research and education programme for the conservation of endangered species and their habitats (22 March 1990); The State of Western Australia today commenced proceedings in the Federal Court against Mr L R Connell, Rothwells Limited (in liquidation), Bond Corporation Holdings Limited and Wardley Australia Limited (24 October 1990); State Cabinet has approved tough new legislation against people using AIDS as a lethal weapon, or who deliberately attempt to spread the incurable disease (13 May 1991); and The imminent opening of the northern suburbs railway (31 October 1992). |

Curtin University Library. Carmen Lawrence Collection. Records of Carmen Lawrence. Carmen Lawrence travelling on the new Northern Suburbs Railway line to Joondalup, 24 November 1992. CUL00005/3/28 |
Media clippings collected by Carmen Lawrence
The series comprises 3 scrapbooks of material relating to Dr Lawrence's state parliamentary career. The first two scrapbooks cover the period 1982 to 1988 and mainly comprise Australian Labor Party advertisements, direct mail, and electoral material relating to Dr Lawrence's election campaigns, and newspaper and magazine articles about her activities in her electorate and political issues in Western Australia. The third volume covers Dr Lawrence's term as Premier and mainly comprises copies of magazines (eg The Bulletin, Business Review Weekly, Good Weekend and Time), and clippings from community and state newspapers which feature articles on Dr Lawrence. This scrapbook also includes a small amount of memorabilia such as a pennant presented to Dr Lawrence by the WA Italian Club and a bronze badge from the Brandon Empire Air Training Plan Museum. |

Curtin University Library. Carmen Lawrence Collection. Records of Carmen Lawrence. Carmen Lawrence at the last pour of gold at the Perth Mint, 26 April 1990. CUL00005/2/10 |
Subject files
This series comprises files of correspondence, reports etc. compiled by Carmen Lawrence on a wide variety of topics including congratulatory messages on election to Subiaco in 1986 and letters of support received from 1990-1992.
Theses by Carmen Lawrence
This series comprises a copy of Carmen Lawrence's 1982 PhD thesis from the University of Western Australia entitled 'Infant crying and maternal responsiveness: continuity, change and the direction of effects'.
Memorabilia collected by Carmen Lawrence
This series comprises a small number of items of memorabilia including certificates of appreciation, Letters Patent, warrants, etc.

Curtin University Library. Carmen Lawrence Collection. Records of Carmen Lawrence. Carmen Lawrence at the launch of the electric train service, Perth, 7 September 1990. CUL00005/3/50 |
Extracts from Hansards etc. concerning the Royal Commission into Use of Executive Power
This series consists of files of extracts from Hansards, etc., concerning the Marks Royal Commission. They were compiled for legal advice reasons and are subject to legal professional privilege.
Legal files
This series comprises files prepared for legal advice to Carmen Lawrence in respect of the Royal Commission into Use of Executive Power and subsequent court cases. Access to records in this series is restricted.
Royal Commission into use of executive power
This series consists of transcripts of the hearing of the Royal Commission into Use of Executive Power, 1995 [Marks Royal Commission]. |

Curtin University Library. Carmen Lawrence Collection. Records of Carmen Lawrence. Carmen Lawrence at the opening of the Wingellina Remote Community School, 1988. CUL00005/3/56 |
Transcripts of media interviews etc. concerning the Royal Commission into Use of Executive Power
This series consists of files of transcripts of media interviews, press releases, etc., concerning the Marks Royal Commission. They were compiled for legal advice reasons and are subject to legal professional privilege.
Transcripts of the Royal Commission into Use of Executive Power
This series comprises the daily transcripts of the proceedings of the Commission.
Letters of opposition
This series comprises correspondence criticising Carmen Lawrence in her involvement in the Royal Commission into Use of Executive Power and subsequent court case. Access to records in this series is restricted.
Letters of support
This series comprises correspondence in support of Carmen Lawrence in her involvement in the Royal Commission into Use of Executive Power and subsequent court case. Access to records in this series is restricted.
Media cuttings, transcripts, summaries etc.
This series comprises mainly news clippings and summaries and transcripts of radio and television coverage of Carmen Lawrence's involvement in the Royal Commission into Use of Executive Power and subsequent court case. |
Creator: Curtin University
Curtin University Library public lectures
This series contains the public lecture 'Why inequality matters' presented by Carmen Lawrence at the launch of the Carmen Lawrence Collection, 13 November 2008.
Curtin University Library public lecture photographs
This series contains photogaphs of Carmen Lawrence at the launch of the Carmen Lawrence Collection and public lecture, 13 November 2008.
Creator: Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs
Immigration Photographic Archive 1946 - Today
This National Archives file contains a photograph of Dr David Sang, Professor Jayasiriya, The Honorable Carmen Lawrence, Professor Gale and Ms Fielding at launch of 'Ethnicity, immigration and mental illness - a critical review of Australian research', 1992. |

Curtin University Library. Carmen Lawrence Collection. Records of Carmen Lawrence. Carmen Lawrence presenting the 100th Apple computer to Kinlock Primary School, winners of the Coles Apples for Students competition, 13 August 1991. CUL00005/3/42 |
Other Collections Relating to Carmen Lawrence
National Archives of Australia
The National Archives holds material relating to Carmen Lawrence during her time in Federal Parliament as Member for Fremantle from 1994 to 2007.
There are six series recorded for Dr Lawrence:
State Records Office of Western Australia
The State Records Office holds official Ministerial Records from Dr Lawrence's term as Premier of Western Australia from 1990 to 1993 as well as other records from 1989 relating to the Parliamentary Standards Committee.
State Library of Western Australia
The State Library holds numerous records relating to Carmen Lawrence including photographs, speeches, interviews, files of newspaper cuttings, copies of Dr Lawrence’s newsletter to the electors of Fremantle ‘The Fremantle Doctor’, and biographical files.