1981-1991: A centre for innovation
Library operations and services  

1985 Review of Library operations

Against a background of unrelenting economies at WAIT, a review of library operations, staffing and management was undertaken in 1985.

Ironically, having been a pioneer in computerised systems and a leader amongst Australian universities in the 1970s and early 1980s, the Library found itself saddled with outdated and complicated systems based on antiquated hardware. 15 Its early engagement meant that the Library had the benefits of effective computer systems longer than other Australian libraries but the development costs were high and the resulting systems lacked integration.

The choice was between making a significant investment to upgrade existing systems and equipment or to purchase a commercial product, a route many other major libraries in Perth were then considering. Both options were expensive and the review committee recommended a working party be set up to investigate the automation needs of the Library and determine the best way forward.

The loans desk, 1980sThe loans desk on level three of the Library, 1980s.

Most of the review committee’s recommendations were accepted, most notably those relating to professional staff salaries and positions. In the systems area, however, continuing budgetary constraints meant that in-house development continued into the early 1990s until sufficient funding was secured to purchase a commercial product.

Robertson Library home A concrete presence A centre for innovation Bigger and better A 21st century library Facts and figures