Print out the crossword and clues - then fill in the answers which can all be found in the online exhibition displays.



Poor Boy to PM
Look in From Poor Boy to Prime Minister for these answers
Across Down
1. The street where John Curtin lived in Western Australia [6] 2. Initials of the political party to which John Curtin belonged [3]
9. The name given to the economic problems of the 1890s [10] 3. The Australian prime minister before John Curtin [6]
15. The suburb where John Curtin lived in Western Australia [9] 22. The state where John Curtin was born [8]
20. The name given to the unification of the Australian states in 1901 [10]   
23. The King of Britain during World War II [6, 2]   
24. Curtin was editor of this newspaper in WA [10, 6]  
25. Prime minister of Australia at the outbreakof World War II [7]  
Crisis at Home and Abroad
Look in Crisis at Home and Abroad for these answers
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6. The Japanese bombed this American harbour in December 1941 [5,7] 4. British prime minister during World War II [9]
11. The Americans used this city as their command base in Australia in World War II [8] 7. Governor General of Australia at the time Curtin became prime minister [6]
13. The enemy of the Allied forces in the Pacific War [8] 8. First Australian city bombed by the Japanese [6]
21. The Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in the Pacific in World War II [9] 10. This important port city fell to the Japanese in 1942.
  11. Curtin and Churchill had a 'cablegram' fight about Australian troops bound for Australia being diverted to this country [5]
  18. President of the USA during World War II [9]
Look in The Homefront for these answers
Across Down
12. The initials of the Australian volunteer military force during World War II [3] 5. A system for ensuring the fair sharing of goods during war time [9]
17. This group were taken into the work force in big numbers during World War II [5] 14. The term for re-using materials such as food scraps and clothing [6]
  16. Compulsory military service [12]
  19. Initials of the armed forces restricted to fighting within Australian Territories [5]
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