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Tuesday 4 January | Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 5 January | Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces terms of First Victory Loan. 2 |
Saturday 8 January | Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Celebrates fifty-ninth birthday in Perth. ‘…early in the morning, the telephone and front-door bell rang repeatedly, as many personal friends of the Curtin family sent good wishes. The Prime Minister rose as usual about 7 am and spent an hour or so in his garden before paying one important call, and attending to a few routine official matters. Otherwise his birthday was very little different to any other day.’ Received many congratulatory letters. Secretary Gladys Joyce was responsible for posting replies to the letters, but found when she went to the post office for stamps she was limited to five only. ‘When she requested more and disclosed who they were for, she was informed that it would not matter “if he was the King of England – five is the allowance.”’ 3 |
Tuesday 11 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement expressing pleasure on learning of awards for gallantry to United States personnel. 4 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 17 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Presides over conference between Australian and New Zealand ministers. Makes a ‘notable speech’ stating that the conference was of ‘deep significance to the whole structure of the British Commonwealth of Nations. New Zealand and Australia had found that their war problems could not be satisfactorily settled separately.’ Makes statements on:
Tuesday 18 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends first business session of conference between Australian and New Zealand ministers. Makes a statement at the conference on the defence of the South-West Pacific. 6 |
Wednesday 19 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds first press interview since his return from the West which includes questions on :
‘… every time there was any sort of offensive in Europe, allocations to this theatre dropped.
‘Curtin said that this would not happen immediately, but before the land forces came here there would be considerable naval strength diverted here.’ Announces that Dr Evatt will act as Minister for Supply and Shipping, as Mr Beasley has had medical advice that he should ‘refrain from active exercise of his duties.’ 7 |
Thursday 20 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Friday 21 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of War Cabinet which decided that a departmental committee be appointed ‘to review Australia’s shipbuilding industry, and to recommend plans for its vigorous development on a peace-time basis.’
Signs Australia-NZ Pact on Pacific Security:
‘An historic instrument of agreement embodying decisions made this week for collaboration between Australia and New Zealand in defence and other mutual problems in the Pacific zone… The agreement is of threefold importance. It is a landmark in international collaboration in the Pacific. It is a landmark in the development of Australian and New Zealand foreign policy. It is a landmark in the constitutional growth in the British Commonwealth of Nations. For the first time, neighbouring Pacific countries - Australia and New Zealand - have agreed to collaborate in the handling of international problems of common interest. The agreement represents an attempt by the two countries to draw on their special knowledge and to use their own resources to contribute to the peace, welfare and good government of the whole Pacific region, not in the interests of themselves alone but in the interests of the native peoples of all Pacific countries.’ Makes statements on War Cabinet:
Monday 24 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on Full Cabinet:
Tuesday 25 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends Premiers Conference at which the press were admitted, but ‘unable to report on two items on the agenda – the use of internees and prisoners of war, and civil aviation. Note-taking during discussion of these items was prohibited but press representatives were permitted to remain and listen.’ ‘Curtin gave the Premiers a review of the war, details of which he did not disclose to press representatives’ and: ‘… told the conference that Allied command could not be expected to treat the people of Italy with kid gloves, but it also had to be borne in mind that the command was out to show the Italians the difference between Allied and Fascist control’. Makes statements:
‘In 1943 too much coal was lost through strikes and absenteeism. … Everything depends upon the coal industry of New South Wales. If the men and the managements pull together and avoid pin-pricking, one of the basic causes of economic difficulty in the industries of Australia will be greatly reduced in its incidence.’ 11 |
Wednesday 26 January | Parliament House, Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which included comments on: ‘…the need to keep the Army to the requisite level, and the difficulties associated with this policy. … Curtin said people were saying that the Army was growing “too fat”’ when only a year ago people were saying that he was preventing the Army from getting enough men to march to the gates of Tokyo.’ Receives official call from the Diplomatic Corps to mark the celebration of Australia Day. Speaks at an Australian Natives’ Association function commemorating Australia Day. Makes statements:
‘I am appalled at this maltreatment of the Australian war effort on this Australia Day by Australian workers who have put their own grievances in a higher priority than the services that are vital to maintaining the fighting men at the front with the maximum capacity the nation could give them if everybody gave his or her utmost. Today in the Sydney metropolitan area the Munitions Department has had to make arrangements to get to the plants the workers without whom there would be a slow-up of munitions supplies to the front. The loss of coal by 21 mines not operating means that it is merely begging the issue to ignore the effect that this loss of production must have on munitions and supply production and on transport services and, therefore, on the effectiveness of the country to wage the war efficiently.’ 12 |
Thursday 27 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Addresses meeting of National Works Council. ‘”The sternest tests are still in front of this country,” he said, “There can be no relaxation at all of the intensity and comprehensiveness of our war effort.”’ Makes prime ministerial statement on the state of the war. Reviews manpower resources and shortages. 13 |
Sunday 30 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Has ‘a pleasant interview with General Lumsden, Mr Churchill’s personal representative.’ Curtin thought General Lumsden ‘would give Mr Churchill a very favourable report,’ and ‘was pleased with Lumsden’s judgment of the Australian war effort and his statement that Australians were the best fighters. … No public reference would be made to the capacity in which General Lumsden was visiting Australia.’ 14 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 31 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference. Makes statement on atrocities in the Pacific area. ‘The facts [from official statements by the United States Army and Navy Departments and by the British Foreign Secretary, Mr Eden] are so horrifying that they surely speak for themselves and reveal to every body the nature of the enemy which Australia has, for over two years, been resisting. To relieve the prisoners of war in Japanese hands - who include not only the fighting forces but also civilians of our own race and peaceful citizens of other races - calls for the earliest termination of the war. Resolutions of protest and expressions of horror are insufficient and what is needed is the complete devotion of all to the termination of the war victoriously.' 15 |
Tuesday 1 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes prime ministerial statement on strikes. ‘I address a few quiet words to the workers of this country. I speak to them particularly because without them, whether as members of the fighting forces or as industrial and rural workers, this nation could not have continued to wage war for over four years. I say that because I know their worth as I know their weaknesses - a lifetime association with workers' movements has given me that knowledge. |
Thursday 3 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes comments on:
Wednesday 4 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes: Curtin expressing ‘doubt about whether the target date for the invasion of Western Europe would be achieved.’ He refers ‘feelingly to the difficulties of invading Europe and said he wouldn’t like to be among the poor ---s who would undertake it.’ Makes statements on War Cabinet decisions on:
Monday 7 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of Full Cabinet. Makes statements on:
Tuesday 8 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
10.30 am? – 12.55 pm, 2.35 pm – 6.24 pm, 8.8 pm – 10.15 pm Chairs meeting of Federal Parliamentary Labor Party, and makes a ‘statement on the war position and also indicated the Bills to be brought down during this session’. 20 |
Wednesday 9 February | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Provides a review of the situation in the various theatres of war together with an outline of the implications of the changing situation to Australia. Points to the fact that the allies are on the offensive in all areas but that much more hard work and sacrifice will be required if victory is to be achieved. Also points to the difficulty in manpower and resource planning as a result of the changing requirements of the armed forces as the war progresses. Proposes a motion that a committee comprising of the Treasurer (Mr Chifley), chairman, the Minister for Customs (Senator Keane), Senator Spicer, Messrs Anthony, Coles, Scullin and Spender be appointed to enquire into and report on pay-as-you-earn income tax. Motion carried. Decides against holding a secret meeting of the Parliament to discuss 'certain matters of Army administration.' Makes statements on:
‘I know of no burden that the people of Australia are today bearing which is comparable with that of the peoples of China, Russia, or Britain. I know something of the facts. As we have no burden equal to that which they are carrying, and are asked to make no sacrifices equal to those which they will still be called upon to make, it surely is not too much to ask that every man and woman in this country will regard this year not only as a year of fate, but also as a year in which his or her devotion to the total cause will either shorten or prolong the struggle.’ Gives direction under National Security (Mobilization of Services and Property) regulations to all persons employed at the works of General Motors-Holden's Limited, Woodville (South Australia) to perform the duties they were performing before an industrial stoppage. 21
Thursday 10 February | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference at which he says he has ‘ordered the censoring for overseas of all references in the House and the Senate to the transfer of Australian senior Army officers to their posts. He had done this after consultation with Menzies.’ Makes statement on opposition to meat rationing: ‘No person in Australia is entitled to be supplied with meat without the presentation of a coupon, unless he or she is resident in an exempt area. That is the law, and it is going to stand. No butcher is entitled to obtain supplies of meat in excess of what would be a reasonable quota for him to have in order to conform to the reasonable anticipations of his trade. In view of all that has happened, I suggest that those interested parties who seek to destroy meat rationing in this country had better give the matter further thought.’ 22 |
Friday 11 February | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Following comments from the opposition concerning the low level of coal production in Australia and the problems of strikes and absenteeism, attempts to justify the Government’s actions in this regard. In addition, foreshadows legislation with respect to the coalmining industry. Makes statement on there being no Executive interference in the judiciary.23 |
Saturday 12 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces a decision of the Commonwealth Government to purchase dressed sheepskins as a gift to the Soviet Union. 24 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 14 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 15 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement marking the second anniversary of the Fall of Singapore: ‘After two years it may be said that Australia has survived her Dunkirk in a manner not unworthy of people who are members of the British race. But there is no more cause for complacency now than there was when the main barrier between Australia and the Japanese had been smashed down and gloomy prophets were competing with foolish optimists. Until Japan has been finally smashed, satisfaction at the comparative safety of Australian homes must always be tempered by the memory of the number of homes from which well-loved members of family are missing. Any tendency to slacken the war effort cannot survive the thought of the men of the Eighth Division, who are in the hands of a cruel, uncivilized enemy. |
Wednesday 16 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
10.30 am? – 1.35 pm Chairs meeting of Federal Parliamentary Labor Party, and asks ‘leave to introduce a Bill to deal with the Coal Mining industry; after an explanation of the general terms of the Bill leave was granted on a motion of Senator Large & Mr Conellan.’ 27 |
Thursday 17 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
10.30 am? – 12 noon |
House of Representatives | |||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Friday 18 February | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on State law in respect of coalmines. Exchanges letters with Leader of the Opposition, Mr Menzies, Mr Hughes, Deputy Leader of the UAP and Mr Fadden, Leader of the CP, concerning participation in, and resignation from, the Advisory War Council. 29 |
Saturday 19 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on a consultation with the Leader of the Country party, Mr Fadden, the Deputy Leader of the Country party, Mr McEwen, and Sir Earle Page, MP on the Advisory War Council, its work, functions and procedure. Announces formation and functions of a committee to look at promotion of Commonwealth Officers. 30 |
Monday 21 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the anniversary of Red Army Day, and directs that flags be flown from Commonwealth buildings. 31 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 22 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of Full Cabinet, at which it was decided to create a standing subcommittee to deal with all civil administration in Papua and New Guinea. Announces Full Cabinet consideration of the report on pay-as-you-earn taxation by the Joint Parliamentary Committee, and the adoption of its plan. Makes statement on Full Cabinet consideration of a report by a sub-committee of Cabinet, on the future administration of Papua and New Guinea. 32 |
Wednesday 23 February | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Introduces the Second Reading of the Coal Production (War-Time) Bill 1944 and initially points to the importance of the coal industry to the nation, particularly in terms of war. After alluding to the industrial problems in coalmines in NSW, outlines the major provisions in the Bill relating to the power of the Commonwealth Coal Commissioner to ensure continued production of coal. Sends letter to Mr P Spender confirming a conversation on his continuing membership of the Advisory War Council. Makes statement acknowledging the contribution of members who have resigned from the Advisory War Council and stressing the importance of the Council’s work. Announces direction ‘to certain persons employed at the Commonwealth Oxygen and Acetylene Proprietary Limited's works at Sydney, New South Wales, to resume work.' 33 |
Thursday 24 February | Canberra - Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Morning Responds to comments from Mr Cameron concerning the apparent lack of effectiveness or organisation of the armed forces and in particular of certain senior officers. Presents report of meeting of the Advisory War Council at which Sir Earle Page took the oath of an Advisory War Councillor. Makes statements:
Makes prime ministerial statement expressing confidence in General Blamey. Travels to Melbourne to attend ‘an extremely important conference with the Chiefs of Staff’ on ‘the significance of a Japanese concentration of warships in Singapore,’ though ‘the story given out at the time was that he was going to Melbourne to visit a relative.’ 34 |
Friday 25 February | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends ‘an extremely important conference with the Chiefs of Staff’ on ‘the significance of a Japanese concentration of warships in Singapore’. 35 | |||||||||||||||||||
Saturday 26 February | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends ‘an extremely important conference with the Chiefs of Staff’ on ‘the significance of a Japanese concentration of warships in Singapore’. |
Gloucester Park, Perth | |||||||||||||||||||
Mrs Curtin presents winning sash to Kollector, winner of the Shires Produce Stakes. 36 | ||||||||||||||||||
Sunday 27 February | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends ‘an extremely important conference with the Chiefs of Staff’ on ‘the significance of a Japanese concentration of warships in Singapore’. 37 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 28 February | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends ‘an extremely important conference with the Chiefs of Staff’ on ‘the significance of a Japanese concentration of warships in Singapore’ 38 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 29 February | Melbourne - Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Probably returns to Canberra. | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 1 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Indisposed. 39 | |||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 2 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and indicates that ‘the armistice is “not far off”, and advises reporters to "keep a close watch on what would happen in the weeks to come in Australia". 40 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 6 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of War Cabinet, at which it was agreed that the Commonwealth Government should bear the cost of cargo protection for various ports. Makes statements on:
‘The men have defied not only the Government but the leadership of their own union and have apparently made their minds up that coalminers are able to work when they like, how they like. The answer to that is a coalminer not working at coal becomes available for any kind of service which the laws prescribes. I have only to say that the law in relation to this matter is going to take its course inexorably. No group of men can usurp the functions of the Government of Australia.’
Tuesday 7 March | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and indicates that ‘one of the biggest operational movements in the war in the west’ had been made ‘during the weekend. Japanese warships were detected proceeding south from Singapore. … We got everything in readiness for an attack but the Japanese ships turned back.’ During debate on the Post-War Reconstruction Bill, responds to an amendment proposed by the opposition and discusses the related question of the need for Constitutional reform to give greater powers to the Commonwealth. Moves a new standing order on the appointment of a committee of privileges. Carried. 42 |
Wednesday 8 March | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Speaks and makes a further statement on the strike by coalminers of the southern district Australian Coal and Shale Mine Employees’ Federation. Makes statement on consideration by the committee of the Commonwealth Literary Fund of an increase in the rate of pension paid to beneficiaries under the fund. |
Canberra | |||||||||||||||||||
Speaks at meeting forming a Canberra committee of the Gowrie Scholarship Trust Fund. [In accordance with the Trust Deed, Gowrie Scholarships are awarded to members of the Forces and children of members of the Forces, including, in the discretion of the Trustees, grandchildren or other lineal descendents of such members. Annual Research Scholarships (normally one or two in number), are offered for research study, to graduates of Australian universities, or to others who have completed a course of tertiary education at recognised institutions in Australia. The Scholarships are tenable for up to two years at universities or other recognized research establishments, either in Australia or overseas. The Trust Deed requires that the Trustees, in awarding the Scholarships, take into consideration (in addition to educational attainments) character and other activities of the candidates, and show special consideration to lineal descendents of a member of the Forces who was killed on active service or who died as a result of any occurrence which happened during his period of enlistment. If other requirements are satisfactory, then financial hardship circumstances are given special consideration.]. 43 |
Thursday 9 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Chairs ‘Special’ meeting of Federal Parliamentary Labor Party. Announces Cabinet approval of the appointment of Mr N R Mighell as Coal Commissioner, and of the call-up for military service of certain members of the southern district of the Australian Coal and Shale Employees’ Federation, and the control, under the Coal Production (War-time) Bill, by the Coal Commissioner of Coal Cliff Colliery. 44 |
Friday 10 March | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes prime ministerial statement that it is not government policy to nationalize coalmines. Makes statement on discussions at the proposed meeting of Prime Ministers. ‘It will not be possible for me to discuss every subject of importance to Australia during the time I shall be overseas. I shall have discussions with Ministers of State only on matters which involve inter-governmental relations. The basic purpose of my visit to London is to discuss matters with the Prime Minister and Government of Britain.’ 45 |
Saturday 11 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on payment of passages of wives of members of the Australian forces married overseas. 46 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 13 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Responds to critical statement by Sir Earle Page on the allied offensive in New Guinea. ‘Expressions of opinion about the New Guinea campaign by Sir Earle Page, MP, are unsound and misleading. They are not based on a complete knowledge of the facts. The test by which a military campaign should be judged is by the results achieved and the price paid for them. In no campaign in this war has there been such an unbroken run of successes for so little cost as in New Guinea. There have been no disasters such as those experienced in Norway and Flanders, nor like the reverses in North Africa and Greece, nor the tragedy of Malaya.' 47 |
Tuesday 14 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of Full Cabinet which adopted a threefold programme for the standardization of Australian railway gauges. |
House of Representatives | |||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Wednesday 15 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
10.30 am? – 1.15 pm |
Friday 17 March | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Moves that the matter of opening by censors of letters addressed to Members of Parliament be addressed to the Committee of Privileges. Carried. Makes statement to mark the second anniversary of the arrival in Australia of General MacArthur.
Parliament House, Canberra | |||||||||||||||||||
Attends dinner to commemorate the second anniversary of General MacArthur’s arrival in Australia. ‘Before the dinner, Lord Gowrie invested MacArthur with a knighthood that, on Curtin’s recommendation, had been bestowed on him by the King.’ Broadcasts on a network arranged by the United States Office of War Information to mark the second anniversary of the arrival in Australia of General MacArthur. |
Monday 20 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on War Cabinet decisions:
Tuesday 21 March | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Responds in the negative to a question on the possible amendment of the Defence (Militia Forces) Act, to remove geographical limits on Australian Militia forces. 52 | |||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 23 March | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Friday 24 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
? – 10.25 am ‘The reason for the meeting was to make a presentation to the Prime Minister and to wish him Bon Voyage and a safe return to Australia. The presentation was an Australian made travelling rug and was made on behalf of the Party by Mr Forde. Mr Curtin on rising to reply was greeted by prolonged applause; he thanked the Party for the present, also for the good wishes expressed, also for the wholehearted [support] at all times given to him by the Party. Three cheers were called for and were lustily given.’ |
Members' dining room, Parliament House | |||||||||||||||||||
Attends function of farewell for overseas trip attended by Senators and MHRs. ‘The members, who were quite jolly by the time that Curtin rose to reply, burst into “Why Was He Born So Beautiful?” as Billy Hughes waved a glass of ginger beer about. Curtin said that “it seemed like a dream” that “the lad who once ran along the streets of Creswick, Ballarat and Brunswick was about to represent his country overseas.”’ 54 |
Sunday 26 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces acceptance by the Australian Government of an invitation for an Australian Press delegation to visit Canada during May. 55 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 27 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes nation-wide broadcast opening the First Victory Loan for £150 million.
Makes statement on Full Cabinet decision to retain the ban on night sports throughout the Commonwealth because the use of power for lighting for unessential purposes could not be countenanced. 56 |
Wednesday 29 March | Melbourne Town Hall | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes stirring appeal for support for the First Victory Loan.
Sends letter responding to a communication from the Archbishop of Melbourne, Dr Mannix concerning the safety of Rome and the Pope. ‘The Vatican City is not only hallowed soil for all members of the Catholic Faith - it is a neutral State - and its immunity from hostile attack extends to the Sovereign Pontiff and to all its members. This immunity has always been and will always be respected.’ 57 |
Saturday 1 April | Box Hill Cemetery, Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends funeral of ‘old adversary’ Maurice Blackburn. [Maurice McCrae Blackburn was born in Victoria in 1880. After a career as a lawyer he was elected as Labor member for Essendon in the Legislative Assembly, however his strong stand as an anti-conscriptionist and against the war cost him his seat in 1917. He was re-elected in 1925 and served as member for Fitzroy from 1925 to 1934. In 1934 Blackburn moved to Federal politics as member for Bourke, which he held until 1943. His sympathy for communism and the Soviet Union led to his exclusion from the Labor Party in 1942. He did not apply for re-admission after Russia became an ally and presided over the No Conscription Campaign in Victoria. He was the only member of Parliament to vote against the defence bill which introduced limited overseas conscription in February 1943. In August of that year he was defeated in the general election by the official Labor candidate. He died of a cerebral tumour in 31 March 1944.] 58 |
Tuesday 4 April | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Writes to children, John and Elsie: ‘My Dears |
Wednesday 5 April | Canberra/Sydney | ||||||||||||||||||
9 am. Departs Canberra by car, lunches at Camden Inn. |
6 - 19 April | Statements and announcements probably issued from Canberra in Curtin’s name, while he is in America and England. | ||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 6 April |
Thursday 6 April - Tuesday 18 April |
Pacific Ocean | ||||||||||||||||||
Sails across ocean in ‘crowded and blacked out’ ship. ‘Elsie developed an adverse reaction to a last minute smallpox vaccination. For two days Curtin scarcely left her side; he bathed her face, combed her hair, read to her and supervised her food. “It is hard to imagine a more devoted couple,” observed a journalist on the ship.’ ‘Curtin paced the decks at night, keeping a bulky kapok life jacket with him in preference to the standard inflatable one. At least once he stayed up all night for fear that some disaster was about to strike.’ 62 |
Wednesday 19 April | San Francisco | ||||||||||||||||||
10 am. Arrives in heavy rain and is met by party which includes Sir Owen Dixon, General Sir John Lavarack, Air Marshall R Williams, Lt General Delos C Emmons (US Commanding General Western Pacific Command) and Vice Admiral Bagley, US Commandant Western Sea Front. Makes statement [probably at the press conference] on meeting the press of the United States. ‘I am very happy to meet the representatives of the press of the United States of America, and, if other countries are represented here I am equally glad to meet them … I have been a working pressman, I know how it is. I regard the profession of journalism as a very honorable one that carries with it a high degree of responsibility. I believe in the truth and nothing but the truth. We have felt it proper that we should give facilities rather than hindrance to the press. We know the people have a right to be told. We know war imposes limits. You cannot allow the enemy to know lots of things that would be helpful to him. We live in an age of broadcast and organizations responsible for the collecting of news. In the competition between newspapers, the worst will sometimes outsell the better. There has to be some code. I have attempted to live up to it as a journalist and have sought to have it maintained since I have been doing other duties.’ Responds to questions on:
Makes statements on:
‘When a man in the street is beset by two footpads he does not win until he has knocked both of them out. I consider the war against Germany and the war against Japan as one global war.’
‘On the day we get sufficiency, that will be the day the enemy will be defeated.’
‘We have discussed only the organization and use of the fighting forces which have been placed at his disposal by my Government, his Government, and other governments.’
‘As to the future, I shall certainly look to America and to the great powers to insure that the peace of the world will not be disturbed by aggression… We look forward to an uninterrupted friendship with the people of this great country.’
‘We do not fear American soldiers marrying Australian girls and sending them back to the United States. Neither the Prime Minister of Australia nor the President of the United States of America can get outside of the law of natural attraction. And I do not propose to bring in any statute. I think the simple rule is that if a man loves a woman and a woman loves a man, no matter where they come from, their marriage is their business.’
‘Australia expects to be represented at the Peace Conference as a sovereign country whose government has been maintained to the winning of the war, and war is a supreme test of a government and a nation. We have no doubt whatever that we will be represented at the Peace Conference on the same basis as the other nations.
‘Australia would not set up any title or sovereignty over islands or places which the enemy previously held because Australia was assigned the military role of retaking them.
‘The best kind of social order that the circumstances made possible is the inducement Australia offers for people to settle there after the war. We have every desire to double and treble the population of Australia as early as possible. We feel that that is a matter of internal policy which should ensure that there will be opportunity of full employment for everybody with reasonably good social conditions. We proclaim that we have opportunities for many, many people which, we think, are at least equal if not better than a number of other countries. We shall welcome to Australia those who care to come to us. The practical questions that are incidental to that - whether they shall be put on the land and given training, or paid fares, and the like - will have the most sympathetic outlook from the Australian Government towards the settlement in Australia under good conditions of desirable immigrants, men and women who realize that nothing can be got by them but by their own work.’
‘Basically, the Australia-New Zealand Agreement is an agreement of outlook and purpose. Its spirit and intention is really its basic feature. We feel it is an example that two Dominions who are neighbours, who are in one part of the world, should present the spectacle to the rest of civilization of being able to meet and reach agreeable conclusions.’
Reviews war commitments and manpower. Makes statement on the meeting with President Roosevelt and with the British Prime Minister (Mr Churchill). ‘Two peoples whose freedom has been at stake felt it wise to confer and conclude certain statements of common purpose, so that the risks we have surpassed will not quite so readily occur. For my coming meeting with President Roosevelt and with the British Prime Minister (Mr Churchill) there will be an exchange of views on all matters that are related to the present state of the war, and we will discuss how we are going to shape for each other the world when the war is won. I do not see any change of status for the British Commonwealth of Nations. I am the Prime Minister of a comparatively small country. In the very nature of things the great Powers have the great responsibilities. But I have a paramount responsibility for the safety and welfare of the people of my own country. I say that quite candidly. I share with the great Powers the purposes for which they are at war, and I am quite confident that our consultations, like all family gatherings, will be for the family good. Time does not stand still and the world is constantly changing. We need to keep abreast of the march of time, and not be a little behind as we were in 1939.’ 7.45 pm. Takes car to Oakland and boards train for Chicago. |
Thursday 20 April | En route to Chicago | ||||||||||||||||||
Travels by train. | |||||||||||||||||||
Friday 21 April | En route to Chicago | ||||||||||||||||||
While on the train celebrates, with Mrs Curtin, their twenty-seventh wedding anniversary and receives a bouquet of flowers arranged by the US Minister in Canberra. 64 |
Saturday 22 April | Chicago | ||||||||||||||||||
9 am. Arrives Chicago and is met by British Consul. Makes statement on reciprocal lend-lease in response to a speech by the British Prime Minister, Mr Churchill, on Imperial preference and post-war Empire-American relations. 65
Sunday 23 April | Union Station, Washington | ||||||||||||||||||
9.15 am. Arrives in Washington and is met by Mr and Mrs Cordell Hull and is also greeted by Sir Owen Dixon, Australian Ambassador to USA, and Lord Halifax, British Ambassador to the USA. Proceeds to Blair House, a ‘sumptuous’ four-storey ‘distinguished-looking stucco structure’, with a ‘colourful history’, which was the ‘American Government’s official home for visiting members of the United Nations.’ 1 pm. Lunches with Mrs Curtin at Australian Legation and then takes a drive with Sir Owen and Lady Dixon. 5.30 pm. Receives visit from Mr Walter Nash. 66 |
Sunday 24 April | Washington | ||||||||||||||||||
Beginning of official talks: Makes prime ministerial statement reviewing the war and the current war situation and paying a tribute to the United States, to the people of Britain, and the nations of the Commonwealth. Statement repeated in London on 4 May 1944, with different introduction. Take 1 Take 2 Makes statements on:
‘I do not individualise as to the Emperor of Japan in the war against Japan. I speak always as to the power of Japan. That must be defeated.’
Tuesday 25 April | Washington and South Carolina | ||||||||||||||||||
9 am. Travels, with Mrs Curtin from Blair House to the White House ‘whence they proceeded with Mrs Roosevelt by air to meet the President,’ at an ‘undisclosed place in the south.’ [South Carolina] Returns to Washington by air with Mrs Curtin and Mrs Roosevelt. Spends night at White House. 68 |
Wednesday 26 April | Washington | ||||||||||||||||||
9 am. Returns with Mrs Curtin to Blair House. Falls ill with possible ‘neuritis and symptoms of high blood pressure’, and a full schedule of official engagements are cancelled. 1.15 pm. Mrs Curtin attends lunch at the British Embassy. 7.30 pm. Makes radio broadcast from Prime Minister’s suite at Blair House. 69 |
Thursday 27 April | Washington | ||||||||||||||||||
Indisposed, remains at Blair House. Makes statement on a comment by the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Menzies, on a speech at the International Labour Organization Conference by the Minister for Supply, Mr Beasley, on Australian acceptance of the principles of the Atlantic Charter – freedom from want and full employment. 70 |
Friday 28 April | Washington - Bermuda | ||||||||||||||||||
5 am. Departs Washington by car. |
Saturday 29 April | Ireland - UK | ||||||||||||||||||
2.15 pm (GMT). Arrives Foynes in flying boat (after a run of 19 hours, covering 3140 miles). ‘The Savoy had become something of a sandbagged fortress’ and the party were ‘issued with steel helmets and gasmasks and taken down to the cellars’ and told what to do if there was an air raid. Makes statement on the meeting of Prime Ministers. ‘I have come to England to join with other Prime Ministers of the British Commonwealth in the consideration of problems common to us all. Each one of us, I have no doubt, will have something to contribute to the discussions from the experience of our own countries during these hard years of war. The mere fact that the Prime Ministers of the British Commonwealth are meeting at this time is in itself important. The British Commonwealth can render a great service to civilization by the development of the fullest co-operation between its members. From their experience as units in a greater unity they can make a contribution to the wider circle of international co-operation. I hope later to have opportunity of conveying to the people of Britain the admiration of the people of Australia for the lead they have given the world in the past four bitter years. I hope, too, to be able to tell the people of Britain something of the fight the Australian people are making in both the military and production fields.’ 72 |
Sunday 30 April | London | ||||||||||||||||||
Strolls along the Embankment to Westminster. Views bomb damage in the City, including the St Paul’s area – ‘the buildings are just ruins & the scarred city has a queer impression.’ 12 noon. Receives visit from Mr Bruce. Drives, with Frederick Shedden to the upper reaches of the Thames, visiting Windsor, Stoke Poges and Burnham Beeches. ‘Saw the winding hedge-bordered lanes, the grass, the blossoms & the people out in the sunshine.’ Receives telephone call of ‘cordial welcome’ from Mr Churchill. 73 Letter to Elsie Curtin who was in America
Monday 1 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
10 am. Visits Australia House to meet staff of High Commissioner’s office. ‘It is a very great privilege and a high duty to be present here today. The Commonwealth of Australia needs no statement from me for its presence today to be understood here and in the world at large. We are with you in your undertakings because of the high cause that animates them. We are with you in that high cause completely and unequivocally to the ultimate finish. The Australian people have been delivered from a mortal peril. This has been effected by the gallantry of the Australian and American forces, the ability of the High Command, the aid of Britain and the United States, and the war effort of the Australian people. The world-wide nature of the war has placed us in a sphere of American strategic responsibility, and we are deeply grateful for the aid of the American people. Although British resources were largely committed elsewhere, we nevertheless received valuable aid from the people of Britain.’ 3 pm. Meets Australian press at the Savoy Hotel. |
Tuesday 2 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
11.30 am. Attends Prime Ministers’ Conference for review of war situation. |
Wednesday 3 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
11 am. Attends Privy Council Office, Whitehall, to rehearse taking of oath ceremony as a member of the Privy Council. |
Thursday 4 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
11 am. Sworn in as a Privy Councillor at a meeting of the Privy Council at Buckingham Palace. Makes statements on:
‘I should be glad to see France re-established. But I am not humbugging myself by placing reliance on what is not there. A stable France is one thing, an occupied France is quite another. At the moment, one can have all the intentions in the world to re-establish France, but the re-establishment of France on a basis of ordered government and political stability is predominantly the task of the French people themselves. The Allies can do all they can to help that, but they cannot do it.’
‘In addition to attending the meeting of Prime Ministers, an important purpose of my visit as the head of the Australian Government is to express to the people of Britain the unbounded admiration of all Australians for their heroic stand in the cause of world freedom. The people of Australia have been greatly inspired in their own war effort by the fortitude, courage and endurance of their kinsfolk in these islands under heavy air attack and during periods of grave peril and anxiety. Their actions have been in keeping with the glorious history, traditions, and characteristics of the British race, which has again demonstrated a capacity for leadership of the human race at a time of world crisis.’
‘The Immigration Act has no spirit of antagonism towards any people because of their nationality or of their location. The words “white Australia” do not appear in any Australian statute. The Immigration Act is to protect Australian standards against the incursion of organized coolie labour, slave labour, badly-paid labour, badly-housed labour, which are not in the interests of those people nor in the interests of Australia. An end was put to it and Australia is not going back to it.’ Responds to question on post-war cooperation and world organisation and the possible expansion of the British Commonwealth. Makes statement that ‘The Australian Government is a very polite government’ and that the status of India was a matter between Britain and India. 77 |
Friday 5 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
11.30 am. Attends Conference to continue review of foreign affairs. |
Saturday 6 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on acceptance of immigration from Scandinavian countries. Possibly: |
Sunday 7 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
9 pm. Broadcasts ‘the postscript to the news bulletin’ over the BBC and ABC portraying Australia as ‘the bastion of British institutions, the British way of life and the system of democratic government in the Southern World.' 80 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 8 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
12.30 pm. Visits Boomerang Club at Australia House to meet RAAF personnel. Broadcasts from London. 81 |
Tuesday 9 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
11.30. Attends Conference to discuss Posts War World Settlement. |
Wednesday 10 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
12 noon. Receives Freedom of City of London ‘in bomb-scarred’ Guildhall.
1.30 pm. Lunches as guest of Lord Mayor of London at Mansion House.
4 pm. Meets Mr Barrington Ward, Editor of London Times. 5.30 pm. Attends Conference to discuss civil aviation and shipping. 83 |
Thursday 11 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
11 am. Attends Conference to discuss post war world settlement.
Friday 12 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
11 am. Attends Conference to discuss post war employment plans and migration. |
Saturday 13 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
Spends weekend at Chequers. 86 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sunday 14 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
Spends weekend at Chequers. 87 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 15 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
3 pm. Attends Conference to discuss Empire co-operation. 88 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 16 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
12 noon. Attends closing meeting of Conference, and thanks Churchill for chairing the talks. He added that his visit to London was ‘not only from a sense of duty but also with a deep desire to be associated in a humble way with deliberations which I knew would reach conclusions of historic significance not only to the Commonwealth and Empire but I do believe to the world at large.’ Attends signing of an agreement with other Dominions Prime Ministers. 3 pm. Meets Australian press at the Savoy. |
Wednesday 17 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
1.30 pm. Lunches with Empire Parliamentary Association at Savoy Hotel.
Makes statement at closing session of meeting of Prime Ministers and signs joint communiqué. 90 |
Thursday 18 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
1 pm. Attends luncheon given by Australian Club at the Dorchester Hotel.
Friday 19 May | London - Lincoln | ||||||||||||||||||
10 am. Leaves London by car for Cambridge. |
Saturday 20 May | Lincoln - London | ||||||||||||||||||
10 am. Leaves Lincoln. |
Sunday 21 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
11.15 am. Leaves for Chequers 94 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 22 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
9.15 am. Leaves London by car. |
Tuesday 23 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
4.15 pm. Calls on His Majesty the King at Buckingham Palace. |
Wednesday 24 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
11.45 am. Attends Parliament House for statement by Mr Churchill. Evening. Makes an ‘Empire broadcast' which includes the plea, ‘Let us all – we who speak the same tongue – join with one voice in expressing our determination to make of our Empire a shining example for all.’ 97 |
Thursday 25 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
4 pm. Meets Mrs Hore Ruthven. |
Friday 26 May | London | ||||||||||||||||||
11.30 am. Attends conference on Australian War Effort. |
Saturday 27 May | Lords cricket ground | ||||||||||||||||||
11.30 am. Watches cricket match between Service teams from Australia and England.
London to Chequers | |||||||||||||||||||
5 pm. Departs for Chequers. 100 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sunday 28 May | Chequers - London | ||||||||||||||||||
4pm Returns to London 101 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 29 May | London - Ireland | ||||||||||||||||||
1.30 pm (BST). Leaves London by car for Croydon Aerodrome. |
Tuesday 30 May | Newfoundland - Ottawa, Canada (Mr Curtin) | ||||||||||||||||||
10,30 am (GMT). Arrives Botwood, Newfoundland, departs by flying boat. |
Montreal - Ottawa (Mrs Curtin) | |||||||||||||||||||
8.55 am. Mrs Curtin arrives in Montreal and is conducted to a special car on the train to Ottawa. Comments on the success of the meeting of Prime Ministers: ‘Never has there been a more successful meeting of British Commonwealth Prime Ministers than the one just concluded. Events will be a better criterion of what has been done than anything I could say. Just as we stand here together so the British Commonwealth and the United Nations stand side by side to ensure that the war will be brought to as early a conclusion as is practicable. That unity gives promise of victory as early as possible, but nothing less than complete victory will do because, if the aggressors are not vanquished, then real peace cannot come. However, with the unity of which I have spoken, I am confident victory will bring so decisive a verdict that evil will never rear its head again.’ 103 |
Wednesday 31 May | Ottawa | ||||||||||||||||||
10.30 am. Calls on Deputy Governor General. Typescript of press conferences during visit overseas April, May, June 1944 Make statements on:
Comments on the success of the meeting of Prime Ministers: ‘I am very pleased with the advances that have been made at the recent Prime Ministers' Conference and at the great degree of collaboration and cohesion which the conference made clear. I regard it as a model of association which I would recommend as indicating hope to the world at large.’ Makes prime ministerial statement on the state of the war. 1.15 pm. Together with Mrs Curtin and Sir William and Lady Glasgow, lunches with Prime Minister at Laurier House. |
Thursday 1 June | Ottawa - Montreal | ||||||||||||||||||
1 pm. Lunches with High Commissioner and Lady Glasgow. |
Friday 2 June | Montreal - Washingtom | ||||||||||||||||||
7.30 am. Arrives in New York. |
Saturday 3 June | Washington | ||||||||||||||||||
10 am. Attends bi-monthly meeting between Lord Halifax and British Missions in Washington. |
Sunday 4 June | Washington | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the fall of Rome: ‘Joyfully Australia tenders congratulations on the Allied liberation of Rome, and pays deep tribute to the gallant forces of the United Nations whose devotion has evoked this latest advance towards final victory which will free all the world from despotism and tyranny.' 108 |
Monday 5 June | Washington - New York | ||||||||||||||||||
12.30 pm. National Press Club Luncheon. [Just hours after Allied invasion force landed on beaches of Normandy.] 109 |
Tuesday 6 June | New York | ||||||||||||||||||
1.30 pm. Takes trip by ferry and a partial trip of the harbour by launch. ‘On 6th June, 1944, the following communiqué was issued from London: “Under the command of General Eisenhower, Allied naval forces supported by strong air forces began landing Allied armies this morning on the northern coast of France.”’ 110
Wednesday 7 June | New York | ||||||||||||||||||
1 pm. Calls on Mayor La Guardia of New York. Makes statement on the invasion of Europe. ‘Great events are taking place which cannot be encompassed by mere words. The prayers and hopes of every Australian will go with the Allied forces in their liberating march.’ 111 |
Thursday 8 June | Chicago | ||||||||||||||||||
12.45 pm. Arrives Chicago and proceeds to Blackstone Hotel. |
Friday 9 June | Chicago - San Francisco | ||||||||||||||||||
En route | |||||||||||||||||||
Saturday 10 June | Chicago - San Francisco | ||||||||||||||||||
En route | |||||||||||||||||||
Sunday 11 June | San Francisco | ||||||||||||||||||
9 am. Arrives by train and proceeds by car to the docks and boards SS Matsonia. 11 am. Sails for Brisbane. 113 |
Monday 12 June - Sunday 25 June |
At sea | ||||||||||||||||||
Monday 26 June | Brisbane | ||||||||||||||||||
Arrives home from USA, and within a ‘few hours of his return from abroad’ confers with General MacArthur. Holds press conference. Responds to a question on the taking over of the South West Pacific Area by United States forces. Makes prime ministerial statement on post-war cooperation. Makes statements on:
Thursday 29 June | Sydney | ||||||||||||||||||
Arrives in Sydney and is welcomed by Premier of New South Wales, Mr McKell. |
Friday 30 June | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement expressing good wishes on behalf of the Government and people of Australia on Canada Day, the 77th anniversary of Canada's birth as a nation. ‘This war has brought Australia and Canada closer together than ever before. The many thousands of our young men who have gone to Canada for training under the Empire Air Training Scheme have cemented the personal links binding our two peoples. The kindness and hospitality they have received is widely known and will ever be remembered in many thousand Australian homes. No less do we appreciate the material assistance which Canada has given us under the Mutual Aid system. The large quantities of military supplies and equipment of all kinds which Australia has received from Canada has been of inestimable value in our war effort. This year, on Dominion Day, your thoughts will be with the thousands of young Canadians who are acquitting themselves so gallantly in Normandy. The magnificent war effort of Canada is a source of pride to all those who have been associated with her in this long struggle for freedom. The people of Australia send you cordial greetings and their sincere good wishes for Canada's future happiness and prosperity.’ Issues directions for the flying of flags and bunting from Commonwealth buildings on 4 July, Independence Day. 116 |
Monday 3 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and discusses issues from his visit to the United States, Canada and England, including:
‘I say to you that press treatment of the war news is in my view the most jaundiced one-eyed piece of journalism. I am speaking of the press as I saw it in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Objectively the Australian press gives a far better picture of the global conflict….’
‘”He is the most important person arrayed against our enemies. He is indispensable because I do not know of any other equal who can replace him. He is an inspiration, a driver. He has the complete faith of the British people. He is the master of the House of Commons and no man has yet been its master”. …”Mr Churchill has a great tiredness about him,” which Curtin put down to anxiety about the second front. “Mr Churchill fires every shot and suffers every wound.”’ Sends message to President Roosevelt to mark Independence Day. 117 |
Tuesday 4 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes:
Attends meeting of Full Cabinet. 118 |
Wednesday 5 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces the decision of Full Cabinet to prorogue Parliament and open a new session on 17 July. Makes statements on:
Makes prime ministerial statement on the Constitutional Referendum. Responds to a charge by Mr A J Hannan KC, the Crown Solicitor of South Australia, that his mail had been interfered with at the Constitutional Convention of 1942 and that his telephone conversations had been listened to after his return to Adelaide. 119 |
Thursday 6 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which discusses the Webb Report, manpower, and at which he was ‘extremely critical of certain members of the High Court’. Announces invitation to Professor Sir Howard Florey to visit Australia in about a month’s time and stay for about three months. ‘Professor Florey is an Australian and a distinguished medical scientist of world-wide reputation … [and is] one of the joint discoverers of the method and use of penicillin for the treatment of human disease. … It is considered that his visit will be of inestimable value and lead to the saving of many lives during the period when Australian treatment is, to a certain extent, experimental. … The Government considers that Professor Florey's visit will give a general stimulus to medical science as well as having a special value in connexion with the use of penicillin.' 120 |
Friday 7 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces terms of the Second Victory and Conversion Loan. Tables British White Paper on Employment Policy, outlining the British Government's general economic policy after the war, which is ‘an impressive document’. 121 |
Saturday 8 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces the appointment of Mr Justice Clyne to inquire into charges by the Crown Solicitor of South Australia, Mr A J Hannan KC, that letters posted by him in Canberra during the Constitutional Convention in 1942 had been opened and that his telephone conversations had been listened to after his return to Adelaide. 122 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 10 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements:
‘As far as I am concerned, there will be no “industrial conscription” after the war - but I am not too sure of the United Australia party. I wanted conscription of any sort in 1942 and 1943. I say that flatly. I wanted it for works and services so that Australia could resist forces that would have occupied this country. I cannot see any reason why there should be compulsion for service of any description when war has ended. I have said I do not consider that there should be conscription of any sort or kind when the war is over. This is a more unequivocal statement than any United Australia party member has made.’ 123 |
Tuesday 11 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
‘Australia must get more coal and consume less. It is not a question of the Government ordering a further reduction in consumption, because, if the coal was not there, it could not be burned.’
Makes further statement on the Constitutional Referendum and the additional powers sought. Announces approval of the six recommendations contained in the interim report of the Parliamentary Committee on Censorship. Responds in the negative to a reported statement by Mr Dunstan, Premier of Victoria, that State lotteries should be included in the proposed limitations of charitable and other appeals during the currency of war loan campaigns. 124 |
Thursday 13 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of Full Cabinet, which decides ‘no returned serviceman should be assisted to settle on the land unless there was satisfactory evidence of his suitability, qualifications and experience.’ Makes statement on the Constitutional Referendum – amendment of regulations. Announces farewell dinner for the Governor-General Lord Gowrie at Parliament House on 17 July 1944. Gives directions for flying of flags in 14 July, France’s national day. 125 |
Friday 14 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and discusses the Army, censorship, the war and Lieutenant General Berryman’s recall. Makes statements on:
Monday 17 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Chairs meeting of Federal Parliamentary Labor Party, and ‘gave a most interesting statement regarding his consultations with the Prime Ministers of other Dominions, and of Great Britain, reviewing certain phases of the war effort.’ |
House of Representatives | |||||||||||||||||||
Chairs meeting of Federal Parliamentary Labor Party, and ‘gave a most interesting statement regarding his consultations with the Prime Ministers of other Dominions, and of Great Britain, reviewing certain phases of the war effort.’ Following personal tributes to the Governor-General (on his impending departure) and to Mr Hughes (on the occasion of his fiftieth year in parliament), gives a lengthy speech outlining the status of the war and international affairs. Relates details of his overseas trip earlier in the year and his meeting with Commonwealth and world leaders. With Mrs Curtin attends Commonwealth farewell dinner to the Governor-General Lord Gowrie and Lady Gowrie. 127 |
c. mid-July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes discussion on:
‘He said for office information that when bigwigs said they were going to retire, he did not turn a hair because there were many younger men who could fill their places. He was referring to administration of the services both now and after the war. He said he was not going to have pot-bellied blimps running the show.’
Tuesday 18 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
10.30 am? – 1.28 pm |
Parliament House | |||||||||||||||||||
Mrs Curtin gives reception to say farewell to Lady Gowrie.129 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 19 July | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the International Monetary Fund Conference. 130 | |||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 20 July | Canberra and House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Responds to questions from the opposition concerning the problems in the coal industry and the influence of the taxation system on the current situation in that industry. ‘The coal control legislation … is not a dead letter. The law should be enforced, and I am doing my very best to see that it shall be enforced. At the same time, I have to face the problem which every government in this country has faced, that of knowing quite clearly in its mind that it cannot imprison simultaneously all the men who are absenting themselves from work; and, further, that it cannot find from any other source an adequate replacement for them which would have the necessary skill, ability and experience to do the work.’ Makes statements on:
Gives the full text of a broadcast by the Japanese Bureau of Information over Tokio Radio, announcing the resignation of the Japanese Cabinet. Receives visit at Parliament House from Mrs Curtin, who was attending a party given by Mrs Forde (wife of the Army Minister) to welcome her back to Canberra. Wives of members of Parliament were invited and were entertained for half an hour by Mrs Curtin speaking ‘without notes and with an easy informality’ giving a ‘racy account of her trip to America.’ 131
Friday 21 July | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Responds to various comments made by the opposition concerning the Governor-General’s speech. In particular, elaborates on the role of the Commonwealth in world affairs. Makes statements:
Makes further observations on the British Commonwealth of Nations meeting of Prime Ministers in London. 132 |
Saturday 22 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the first report of the Regulations Advisory Committee appointed to examine and report on the various regulations made under the National Security Act. Meets General Blamey and discusses manpower reallocation ‘at length.' 133 |
Monday 24 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements:
‘I have no arguments that I can advance against the principle of representation of the Australian Capital Territory in the Commonwealth Parliament. There are, however, practical problems in this matter which need consideration. No one group of citizens should have greater authority than another group in the formulation of the law. Under the Constitution there are certain quotas of representation in Parliament. A representative of a hand full of people in a "pocket borough" must not have an influence in Parliament far greater than the representatives of other sections of the community. |
Tuesday 25 July | Canberra? | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes discussion on internal events in Germany and Polish-Russian relations, and tells reporters that: ‘During the past few weeks diplomatic exchanges have become exceptionally heavy – so heavy that … they almost demanded his whole attention. He said the minds of governments were being shaped and the interchange of views was therefore very great.’ Formally launches the referendum campaign with a national broadcast. [The referendum was designed to give the federal government increased powers to deal with such things as post-war inflation and unemployment.] Makes statements:
Friday 28 July | Sydney | ||||||||||||||||||
Meets with representatives of the New South Wales Government, the colliery proprietors, the Australian Coal and Shale Employees Federation, and the craft unions connected with the coal-mining industry. ‘Now that everybody is delivering ultimatums to me, I am delivering one. I am interested as a man who seeks to do good and to have humane considerations applicable to industry. That would be my paramount outlook under any circumstances; but in the circumstances of this country at this time I am looking at it as the head of a nation which is at war and which has to find coal in order effectively to conduct the war …therefore in order to get the requisite essential to the conduct of the war efficiently in this country I am prepared to pledge myself and my reputation to the miners, and everything that I have that I will bring this plan into the Federal Parliament. I deliver my ultimatum to the workers; I deliver it to the owners. … I say the owners should get no more money for their coal, and I say that the men in the industry should get no more wages for their work than they have been getting during the past year. I think the price of coal should be kept at its present figure. Now, if those present are agreeable to a continuation of the conference in order to discuss how and by what means those ideas can be carried through, I shall be glad to stay; but if not, I beg you not to waste my time. Makes statement on preference in employment to members of the forces. 136 |
Monday 31 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes discussion on:
Makes statement on approval of a lease being granted for a portion of a munitions factory near Newcastle, NSW, to be used for a textile industry on a large scale. 137 |
Tuesday 1 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement of policy on the utilization and future of government industrial plants in the post-hostility period. 138 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 2 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on:
Issues orders under:
Conducts prime ministerial review of war commitments and re-assessment of manpower. Mrs Elsie Curtin returns to Western Australia for the birthday of her 86-year old mother, Annie Needham, who subsequently died on 5 September, 1944. 139 |
Thursday 3 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements:
Friday 4 August | Ivanhoe Town Hall, Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Speaks to a ‘big audience’ at a referendum meeting. ‘There were a number of interjections’ but ‘most of the audience of more than 1,000 appeared to be Government supporters and Mr Curtin was loudly applauded during his speech.’ Announces overseas visit by Director General of Munitions, Mr Essington Lewis |
Melbourne | |||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Saturday 5 August | Probably Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Sends message to and receives reply from the leader of the British Delegation of the Empire Parliamentary Association, Lieutenant-Colonel E T R Wickham, on the delegation's departure from Australia. Makes statements:
Sunday 6 August | Probably Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on reports from the Solicitor-General (Sir George Knowles) and from the Coal Commissioner (Mr N R Mighell) on the application of strike regulations in NSW and Victoria. 143 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 7 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes discussion on:
Tuesday 8 August | Adelaide Town Hall | ||||||||||||||||||
Speaks to a ‘very sympathetic’ crowd. The ‘only interjections were favourable’ and only one question was asked at the end of the speech. 145 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 9 August | Adelaide | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes discussion on civil aviation. Broadcasts over the national network stating that the Commonwealth would be able to provide a ‘nation-wide, but decentralised employment service if it was given the powers it sought at the referendum.' 146 |
Thursday 10 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces retirement of Mr W C Wurth, the Director-General of Man Power. 147 | |||||||||||||||||||
Friday 11 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements:
c. Monday 14 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Suffers illness which requires him to ‘cancel public engagements under doctor’s orders.’ Releases report by the Chief Justice of Queensland, Sir William Webb, enquiring into matters of censorship. 149 |
Tuesday 15 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Wednesday 16 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Broadcasts final referendum appeal over the National network. The appeal was delivered from his study as Mr Curtin was ill with bronchial influenza. 151 |
Thursday 17 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Releases report by Justice Clyne into the public safety and defence of the Commonwealth particularly in relation to statements attributed to Albert James Hannan, Crown Solicitor of South Australia, in the Advertiser newspaper of 30 June 1944. ‘Mr Hannan had no good or sufficient reason for believing that any of his letters posted at Parliament House during the first week of the conference held at Canberra in November and December, 1942, were intercepted in the post, [and] ... he had no justification for his belief that after his return to Adelaide his telephone conversations were listened into.’ 152 |
Friday 18 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Sends letter to the president of the Australian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation (Mr H Wells) expressing concern regarding strikes in the coal industry. 153 | |||||||||||||||||||
Saturday 19 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Voting in the Constitutional Referendum. This referendum sought to give the Commonwealth Parliament power to legislate for five years over fourteen specified matters. These included the rehabilitation of ex-servicemen, national health, family allowances and ‘the people of Aboriginal race’. Constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and religion were also to be included as were safeguards against the abuse of legislative power. The referendum was lost on a ‘No’ vote of 2 304,295, ‘Yes’ 1,963,191, and Informal: 56,598. 154 |
Sunday 20 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on results of Constitutional Referendum. ‘I am disappointed but not surprised at the result of the constitutional referendum. |
Monday 21 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes references to:
and said that during the ‘past few days he had been giving attention to the diplomatic side of the war to ensure that there would be no doubt about Australia’s views’. Makes statements:
Tuesday 22 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Announces Full Cabinet:
Wednesday 23 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Announces prosecution of idle collieries. ‘I am informed that a number of mines were idle to-day. In the case of mines where the stoppage was not due to a mechanical breakdown or other unavoidable reason, I have directed that the law shall take its course.’ 158 |
Thursday 24 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Sends message to the people of France on the liberation of Paris. ‘The Government and the people of Australia convey their warm congratulations to Frenchmen, and particularly to the citizens of Paris, on the occasion of the liberation of their famous and beautiful capital city. Australians rejoice with you and trust that in the very near future the whole of France will be once more free when all the resources of your great country will be marshalled with the forces of the other allied Nations in striving for complete victory.’ Denies press reports that instructions had been given to place additional mines under complete federal control. 159
Friday 25 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces resolutions adopted at the second meeting of the National Works Council, concerning the Government’s plans for reconstruction. Makes statement on, and gives details of, an agreement reached by Commonwealth and State Ministers on post-war housing plans. 160 |
Saturday 26 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Announces at the conference of Commonwealth and State Ministers:
Monday 28 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces the release of the report of the inquiry into restrictive practices by retail stores and ‘quota sold’ notices. Sends message of congratulation to the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester on the birth of a son. ‘On behalf of the Government and people of Australia, I desire to convey to your Royal Highnesses felicitations on the happy occasion of the birth of a son.’ 162 |
Tuesday 29 August | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
? – 6 pm and 8 pm – 11.5 pm |
Wednesday 30 August | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Provides an outline of the war situation in Europe and in the Pacific and then addresses the question of manpower needs in agriculture and industry in the light of domestic requirements, the needs of US forces in Australia and Australia’s commitments to Great Britain. Announces that the Minister for War Organization of Industry (Mr Dedman) will preside over future meetings of the War Commitments Committee, as Minister assisting the Minister for Defence, following the resignation of the chairman, Mr W C Wurth, as Director-General of Man Power. Speaks at dinner to mark the 50th anniversary of the election of Mr W M Hughes, Independent, UAP, to an Australian Parliament: Mr Hughes announced he had received a telegram from Arthur Mailey, former Test cricketer, and Jim Bancks, Sydney cartoonist, congratulating him ‘on having survived sticky wickets to reach a 50, and expressed the hope he would make a century. Mr Curtin said it was an appropriate tribute from Australia’s greatest googly bowler to its greatest googly statesman.’ 164 |
Thursday 31 August | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Following a censure motion on the handling of strikes in the coalmining industry, outlines the actions taken by the Government to ensure increased coal production and highlights the inability of the opposition to control similar situations when they were in power. ‘The idea of assuming control of a mine in which a dispute of a non-industrial character has occurred will not be entertained. Where disputes of an industrial character do arise, and are germinated either by provocation or indifference on the part of the management, then, should an examination of the position satisfy us that control by the Government would increase production, the mine or mines concerned will be controlled; but no mine will be taken over or controlled merely for the sake of taking it over or controlling it. The only justification for the exercise of control, surely, must be that control would result in greater production. I venture to say, however, that the men who go on strike under the present management of a mine would go on strike under any other kind of management. Therefore, strikes must be stamped out. I say to the union that it will be destroyed if it cannot exercise discipline over its members, and I accept also as logical, the fact that the Government will be destroyed unless it also can enforce discipline.’ Announces:
Friday 1 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the enforcement of National Security (Mobilization of Services and Property) Regulations in respect to industrial action by members of the Federated Gas Employees Industrial Union, New South Wales Branch, and all employees under the South Australian Railways Commissioner. Announces the appointment of a Commonwealth Disposals Commission to release to the public the vast stores of government goods accumulated during the war. 166 |
Saturday 2 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on total casualty figures suffered by the forces of the British Commonwealth and Empire. 167 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 4 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Issues order prohibiting the running of special transport to sporting fixtures. Announces amendments of National Security (Racing Restriction) Regulations. 168 |
Tuesday 5 September | Mt. Lawley, Western Australia | ||||||||||||||||||
Death of John Curtin’s mother-in-law, Annie Needham, aged 86. 169 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 6 September | Government House | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends swearing in of Sir Winston Dugan, acting Governor-General, pending the arrival of the Duke of Gloucester. 170 | |||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 7 September | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Friday 8 September | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Rescinds order issued on 4 September, prohibiting the running of special transport to sporting fixtures. Makes statements:
Monday 11 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on support for Poland by the British Commonwealth and Australia, and announces decision not to reintroduce daylight saving. 173 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 12 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Wednesday 13 September | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Responds to criticisms of the 1944-45 Budget by pointing to the relative performance of the Australian economy in the comparison with those of the allies. Also points to the difficulties of managing a national economy in times of war and concludes by pointing to the need for international co-operation in the post-war years to ensure that the homeless of Europe and Asia are fed and clothed. Announces swearing in of Sir Winston Dugan as Administrator of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia on the departure of the Governor-General (Lord Gowrie). Makes statement on post-war plans for civil aviation. 175 |
Thursday 14 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
10.30 am? – 1.5 pm |
Friday 15 September | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces that the Australian High Commissioner in Canada (Sir William Glasgow) and the head of the Australian Military Mission at Washington (Lieutenant-General Sir John Lavarack) have gone to a meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill in Quebec and will participate in discussions if necessary. Makes statements on:
Saturday 16 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the progress of meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill in Quebec. 178 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 18 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
‘…civilian clothing of sufficiently good quality and make to enable them to take their place in civilian life. Provision will be made in the form of a cash allowance of £6 10s being the amount estimated as required to purchase retail a suitable two-piece suit or frock and hat. Service issue garments including skirts, shoes, stockings, summer and winter underwear, gloves and overcoats may be retained by the personnel being discharged. Benefits will be conditional on the completion of three months' satisfactory service and that the discharge is not for disciplinary reasons.’ 179 |
Tuesday 19 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Writes to Yatala Ovenden in the wake of the death of his mother-in-law, to whom he was close, saying that he was ‘feeling flat and sad and over-burdened’. [Annie Needham died on 5 September 1944.] Makes statements:
Wednesday 20 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which included Curtin saying: ‘He had had a complete account of the Quebec conference. The decision of the conference brought down to definite shape Allied participation in the defeat of Japan. … the despatches from Churchill contained a good deal of detail. Curtin said he had shown them to Menzies and Fadden. It was decided there should be no disclosure to the Opposition or government members generally. … Curtin said, “I go home tonight more relieved than I have been since the war commenced.” … A target date had been set for the defeat of Japan but Curtin refused to say what it was.. He said jokingly that it ought to be a month before the next election was due, then added seriously: 'It could be that too.' 181 |
Thursday 21 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on compulsory unionism and wages benefits. 182 | |||||||||||||||||||
Friday 22 September | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Announces staff of the Governor-General Designate (the Duke of Gloucester). Injures ankle by slipping while walking along one of the galleries at Parliament House and was ‘ordered to bed by Dr Sir Earle Page MP’… Mr Curtin had broken the same ankle in a tennis accident ten years previously when playing tennis in the front garden of his home in Cottesloe, with his son, John Francis Curtin. ‘He followed a forehand retrieving shot too far into the surrounds and he went on the garden edge. There he lay carrying on verbally, telling me and my mate to get his so-and-so shoe off. Then we had to half carry him on one leg along the path up the stairway and on to the bed. We were verbally harassed because it was our fault for playing the ball wherever we played it.' 183 |
Monday 25 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes national broadcast officially opening the Second Victory loan, with a target of £5 million. Makes statement on Full Cabinet approval of the appointment of an inter-departmental committee to examine the post-war requirements of Darwin and surrounding regions. 184 |
Tuesday 26 September | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Provides information on Australia’s contribution to food supply in Great Britain. Announces forthcoming private joint meeting of both Houses of Parliament. Makes statement on the use of militia in the war with Japan. 185
Wednesday 27 September | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Friday 29 September | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Saturday 30 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends last informal meeting of Prime Minister’s War Conference. 188 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sunday 1 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Sends message to the Prime Minister of Belgium on the liberation of Belgium. ‘My colleagues and I have greeted with joy the liberation of Belgium after its four years of German occupation, and are greatly impressed by the energetic and democratic manner in which, under the direction of your government, Belgian national life has been resumed. The constancy and courage of the Belgian people during the past years has won the admiration of us all, and we rejoice to see the restoration to them now of the liberties in which they never lost faith. We share the emotion with which you have returned to your capital after your struggle by our side abroad, and extend our heartiest congratulations on this happy event. Please accept our cordial good wishes for the future prosperity and peace of Belgium.’ 189 |
Tuesday 3 October | Canberra |
Attends Premiers’ Conference and puts forward proposal on financial arrangements for land settlement of ex-servicemen. Announces that officials of the British Commonwealth Governments will meet in Montreal on 23 October, 1944, to discuss operational and technical problems connected with the establishment of air routes between members of the British Commonwealth. 190 |
Wednesday 4 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends Premiers’ Conference and speaks on possible amendments to the Prices Regulations. At conference of Commonwealth and State Ministers, makes statements on:
Holds press conference at which he indicates he: ‘…is angry with Lazzarini over his pamphlet on banking policy. He said, “I wish some of these architects of the New Order would shut up. There is a loan on. A man who cannot see the difference between banking policy in this war and the last is the man who is unable to see the difference between 6 per cent and 3¼ per cent.’" 191 |
Thursday 5 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
At the conclusion of the conference: Thanks ‘the Premiers for the diligent manner in which they have devoted themselves to the deliberations of the conference of Commonwealth and State Ministers just concluded. The conference has done well in dealing with the major purpose of the meeting - to consider plans for the settlement of ex-servicemen on the land. I believe that the time devoted to the subject has been put to good use and I sincerely hope that, with the Commonwealth and the States co-operating, ex-servicemen themselves, who have such a large personal interest in this matter, will have a confident expectation of success. It will be good for the country if they succeed and it will be happy for it if they succeed.’ 192 |
Friday 6 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes discussion on the war in Europe. Curtin said: ‘”The war in Europe is not going to go as fast as some people imagined.” He regretted General Montgomery’s promise that November would see and end of the war. He thought a politician could make such predictions but a soldier could not make such promises to other soldiers.’ 193 |
c. Saturday 7 October | Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Leaves for brief holiday in Perth 194 | |||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 12 October | Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Sends communication to the Federal Executive of the Chamber of Manufactures, Canberra, and to the Chamber of Manufactures in each State on the Government’s plans for trade and commerce. Makes statement on post-war cooperation, world organisation and the Dumbarton Oaks Conference. ‘The nations with the greatest resources have the greatest responsibilities. Upon the British Commonwealth, United States and Russia, really depends the efficacy of machinery to make the Security Council secure its purposes. Peace requires very much more than abstract principles and a huge deliberative assembly. To preserve the peace of the world requires a stronger army than that of any would-be aggressor or aggressors.’ 195 |
Monday 16 October | Victoria Park, Western Australia | ||||||||||||||||||
Visits Kent Street State School and gives an address to students on the ‘Ideals of Citizenship’. 196 | ||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 17 October | Perth Town Hall | ||||||||||||||||||
Speaks at Second Victory Loan demonstration, issuing ‘a frank and firm warning that the less people concentrated on the war from now on the longer they would have to suffer the fact that the war would continue.’ 197 | ||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 18 October | Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces that during the absence of the Minister for Air and Civil Aviation (Mr Drakeford), the Minister for Home Security (Mr Lazzarini) would act as Minister for Air and Civil Aviation. Makes statement on sinking of Japanese transport and rescue of Allied prisoners. ‘Most of them are in good health. They are from Malaya and Siam. The British party are being brought home via the United States as soon as possible. The Australian party is now en route to Australia. The next-of-kin of the recovered survivors have been informed. It is feared that a number of prisoners lost their lives when the transport was torpedoed. A demand has been made of the Japanese authorities for full lists of those who were on the transport and of any survivors in their hands.’ 198 |
Thursday 19 October | Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the war with Japan, preparations in the Pacific theatre for the defeat of the Japanese, and the part to be played by Australia. 199 | |||||||||||||||||||
Friday 20 October | Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the landing in the Philippines and the fulfilment of a pledge by General MacArthur that he would return. ‘Now that the great bulk of United States forces have moved from the mainland of Australia, I offer to them and to their great Commander-in-Chief (General Douglas MacArthur) the deep gratitude of the Australian Government and people. Australians will never forget the feeling of deep relief which swept this country when United States forces first landed here early in 1942. During their stay here, we have learned much from them and I trust that they have come to know Australia and Australians better. The contacts made will, I am sure, prove permanent in many cases, and to this end arrangements have been made to smooth the way for any United States serviceman who desires to live permanently in Australia. These men are now engaged in the greatest operation in the Pacific war so far, and until Japan is subdued they will go on to greater conflicts. They will share a comradeship in arms with Australian forces which must have a lasting effect in the collaboration that will be so vital in the peace. The hopes and prayers of all Australians will be with these fighting men wherever they go to strike at our common enemy.’ 200 |
Saturday 21 October | Gloucester Park, Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Takes march-past for Rotary Youth Week at Gloucester Park. 201 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sunday 22 October | Araluen Park, Roleystone | ||||||||||||||||||
Visits park that ‘his old friend and one-time enemy J J Simons had developed for his Young Australia League,’ and ‘absorbed the peaceful atmosphere of the park’s surroundings.' 202 |
Wednesday 25 October | Perth/Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Broadcasts over the national network promoting the Second Victory Loan. Leaves for Eastern States by train. Feels unwell on train journey. 203 |
Thursday 26 October | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement announcing damage and casualties suffered by HMAS Australia, during the Allied invasion of the Philippine Islands. 204 | |||||||||||||||||||
c. Friday 27 October | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Keeps to his hotel for several days. Details submarine attacks on shipping from July 1942 to December 1943. 205 |
Sunday 29 October | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes joint broadcast with Leader of the Opposition (Mr Menzies) and the Leader of the Country Party (Mr Fadden) on the necessity for greatly improving the response to the Second Victory Loan. 206 |
Tuesday 31 October | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements:
‘It is now known that 92 Australian prisoners of war were among those saved when a Japanese transport was torpedoed on 12th September, 1944. Of these, 86 have arrived in Australia, 81 belonging to the Australian Imperial Force, four to the Royal Australian Navy, and one to the Royal Australian Air Force. The remainder, all Australian Imperial Force, are expected in Australia shortly. Pending information from the Japanese authorities, the survivors have been requested to carry out the difficult and responsible task of compiling from memory a list of other prisoners of war who were on board the transport.' 207 |
Wednesday 1 November | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Friday 3 November | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Suffers an apparent heart attack and is taken by ambulance to Mercy Private Hospital.' 209 | |||||||||||||||||||
Saturday 4 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announcement in the name of the Prime Minister, John Curtin, of arrangements to mark the national day of Russia on 7 November. 210 | |||||||||||||||||||
Friday 10 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announcement by Acting Prime Minister Forde of the illness of John Curtin. ‘I have received from Dr F Blois Lawton, medical adviser of the Prime Minister (Mr Curtin), a report indicating that Mr Curtin's health had become affected, involving some strain on the heart, as a result of the heavy and continued burden of his official duties. It is considered that complete rest of Mr Curtin in hospital this month is necessary, that this must be followed by modified rest during December, and that resumption of work should be possible some time in January, 1945. A decision regarding the last-mentioned will be made later.’ |
Saturday 11 November | Mercy Private Hospital, Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Requires ‘complete rest in hospital for the rest of this month and modified rest during December,’ and is ‘not likely to resume his full duties until January’. 212 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 13 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Requests Mr Forde to act as Prime Minister in his absence. A meeting of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party chaired by Rt Hon F M Forde, Acting Prime Minister, resolved that: ‘This meeting of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party expresses to the leader (Mr John Curtin) its deep regret at his illness and offers the heartfelt hope that he will be fully restored to health so that he may continue to lead the party which he has done so ably in the past nine years. This meeting extends its congratulations to the leader on the fact that shortly he will have been Prime Minister longer than any other Labor leader. This meeting expresses to the leader its admiration of the manner in which he has led the nation through the years of crisis and assures him of its complete support in carrying out the great tasks that lie ahead. 213 |
Wednesday 15 November | Mercy Private Hospital, Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Writes to his wife, Elsie Curtin: ‘Today I am endeavouring to write my first letter … I feel that I am now beginning to make headway. The first week was not too good; but I now consider myself justified in writing a confident letter … It appears that my heart has been affected for some time .. I had fears about leaving home this time. I did want someone with me. However, all my love my darling and remember all the years we have had together and the joys we had. Your loving husband.' 214 |
Wednesday 22 November | Mercy Private Hospital, Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Writes to his wife, Elsie Curtin: ‘Time presses along: I feel that I am making headway but of course it takes patience and more days than are comfortable to get things made new. … Incidentally I have knocked off smoking. A whole week has passed without one cigarette and prior to that I smoked only a few a day. I did smoke far too many. Anyhow in here I came to the conclusion I should give the treatment the field to itself without the adverse influence of nicotine. … I have read several novels and at night listen for a short while to the news and perhaps an odd item if it is not crooning. But when I get better I am going to give the ABC fits and Charles Moses two fits. Glad to get your letters. Tell Elsie and Jack I love them and not to worry. I am going to be better but it is an uphill road and fairly long. All my love my dearest dear.’ 215 |
November | Mercy Private Hospital, Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Receives a succession of visitors: ‘Mollie and Francie, Kath and George, Ann Evans and Mrs Ovenden and Mrs Glennie – they were Yat and Bob Bruce when I was young. And I have had Dr Mannix twice, Mr Scullin twice, General Blamey twice and Arthur Calwell once. That is the lot! 216 |
Wednesday 29 November | Mercy Private Hospital, Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Saw the doctors again and though they were satisfied with his progress ‘an additional period of complete rest for a fortnight was ordered.' 217 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 5 December | Mercy Private Hospital, Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Writes to his wife, Elsie Curtin: ‘… So tomorrow I will be five weeks in bed. Tough! I feel pretty good but of course I must have weakened in my limbs and every other part as a result of continued inaction … However, it is no good being a moaner. I just have to keep on this road, however long it may be in order to be of any use thereafter, and time passes and when it is over now we soon forget how tough it was. I am still a non-smoker – three weeks now! Only I have not got a money box in which to place the money saved. … I am so glad Elsie [daughter] is coming. Both of you would be best but one will be fine. Lots of miserable hours here and I need a lady to boss me. I hope you are keeping well and that the troubles of the day are not too many. In writing to John I told him I remembered my own wedding day and my best wish for him is that his wedding brought him the graces mine brought me.’ 218 |
Friday 8 December | Mercy Private Hospital, Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Is allowed up for 15 minutes while the bed is made. |
Canberra | |||||||||||||||||||
Message sent to the Prime Minister for the Australian people from President Chiang Kai-shek, on the third anniversary of the outbreak of the Pacific War extending the best wishes of the Chinese nation. 219 | |||||||||||||||||||
Saturday 9 December | Mercy Private Hospital, Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Sits in a chair for 45 minute meeting with Donald Nelson, a personal representative of President Roosevelt who had been on a mission to China and Russia. Also present were Dr Evatt and the US Minister, Nelson Johnson. | |||||||||||||||||||
West Perth | |||||||||||||||||||
Wedding of son, John Francis Curtin to Catherine Reid Neill at Ross Memorial Church. Sends telegram of good wishes. 220 | ||||||||||||||||||
c. Monday 11 December | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Daughter Elsie arrives from Perth. 221 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 12 December | Mercy Private Hospital, Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Writes to his wife, Elsie Curtin: ‘The report is the best one so far. … No plans have been made for my leaving hospital … Everything depends on how I stand up to the job of getting upon my feet, and walking about. All my love my dear one. I have no decisions to announce as to the future – they have to wait.' 222 |
Monday 25 December | Mercy Private Hospital, Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Has cardiograph which turns out ‘satisfactory’. 223 | |||||||||||||||||||
Friday 29 December | Mercy Private Hospital, Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Writes to his wife, Elsie Curtin: ‘Well it appears that I am making satisfactory progress. That is the verdict. … Dr L--- brought the expert Dr T--- today. I could see that Dr L--- expected Dr T--- let me out of bed in say a few days. But Dr T--- says I should stay in bed and complete the work of restoring the arterial thing that went wrong in my ear. So that is how things stand. … It looks as though at best I will be here in bed another fortnight and then it will take a fair while to get me on my feet. No good being in the dumps about it. … PS The nurses are all lovely and nice and if I was not nearly 60 I would fall for anyone of them. Who do you love the best now?’ 224 |
End of December | Melbourne/Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Discharged from hospital into his daughter’s care. Chauffeur Ray Tracey drives Curtin and his daughter to Albury, where they stop overnight, and then continue on to Canberra. 225 |