2002-2012: A 21st century library
Library operations and services  

Under Imogen Garner’s leadership, a comprehensive planning and quality program for the Library was developed, which built on previous planning processes and included a quality and performance framework and a program of continuous review.

The move to the Ex Libris library management system in 2002 prepared the way for the introduction of a new generation catalogue in 2010.

The Library's website became the key means for clients to access services and resources.

Library education resources were increasingly provided online with the development of interactive tutorials and LibGuides.

Virtual reference services were introduced and a mobile website was developed to deliver library resources and services direct to devices such as smart phones and iPads.

The electronic Information Centre on level three was expanded and refurbished, 2004The Electronic Information Centre on level three in 2004.

These computers provided clients with access to the Library's website, catalogue and a range of electronic journal databases, as well as to word processing software, email and the Internet in general.


Robertson Library home A concrete presence A centre for innovation Bigger and better A 21st century library Facts and figures