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Friday 1 January | Canberra |
Holds press conference in which discussion includes British/Australian relations, supplies for the Pacific theatre and Pacific war strategy.
Monday 4 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on Christmas, New Year holidays and annual leave for 1942-43. 2 |
Tuesday 5 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on facilitating transfers from the Militia to the AIF. 3 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 4 January – Tuesday 5 January |
Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends ALP Conference as delegate from Western Australia. 4 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 6 January | Canberra? | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces intention to take action on ‘bootleg’ bookmakers. 5 |
Thursday 7 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Receives deputation seeking ‘repeal of ban on Pleasant Sunday Afternoon broadcasts from Wesley Church.’ Presents report on review of manpower commitments by the War Commitments Committee. Announces promotion to admiral of Vice-Admiral Sir Guy Royle. 6 |
Friday 8 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
58th birthday. Confers with Postmaster General Senator Ashley. Meets Premier of Victoria, Mr Dunstan. 7 |
Saturday 9 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Monday 11 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Sends teleprinter message to General MacArthur congratulating him on the victory in New Guinea. 9 | |||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 14 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Extends congratulations on behalf of the Australian Government to Mr French on the award of a VC to his son, Corporal J A French. 10 | |||||||||||||||||||
Friday 15 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Meets with General Blamey and has a long conference with him on ‘the position in the north.’ Holds press conference which includes discussion of the war ‘in the north’. Curtin maintains that: ‘We would be in a pretty pickle if the AIF had not come back. If they had gone to Burma or to some other places that were mentioned, this country could well have been lost.’ Announces:
Makes statements on:
Saturday 16 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of Full Cabinet which discussed labour shortages and manpower. Announces Full Cabinet approval of the formation of a labour corps of enemy aliens. Makes statements on:
Monday 18 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes discussion on censorship. Also: ‘Mr Curtin revealed that the United States is sending out to Australia an army commander of staff and an admiral with amphibian experience. He did not know whether to hope that this might be a prelude to an increase in American strength in this area.’ Reviews war commitments, manpower and the utilization of resources. Expresses thanks to General Blamey and the men under his command for their heroism and devotion to duty during New Guinea campaign. ‘They have stood between the enemy and Australia with a heroism and devotion to duty under difficulties greater than fighting men have ever previously faced. We owe to them the fact that in our great cities, our women and children, need not look to the sky with fear and anxiety.’ Makes statement on the attack on Broome. ‘The story of Broome is a lesson for all Australia. It gives, in arresting starkness, an indication of what full-scale attack on this country could mean. There is no consolation in the fact that this happened months ago. It is true that the desperate situation of months ago has been changed now to one of great defensive capacity, but the line of Japanese-occupied islands still stands astride us. That is Australia's battle-line to-day. To hold that line, so that there will be no more Broomes, so that our soil will remain inviolate, must be our abiding preoccupation.' 13 |
Tuesday 19 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes discussion on torpedoed vessels, the proposal to set up an Allied Associate War Council, and the situation in China. 14 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 20 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes a report on the loss of the steamer Kalingo. Curtin also said that: ‘… all his submissions were in the right hands for consideration by Churchill and Roosevelt at their meetings. He had no further information,’ and also ‘revealed that the “highest influences” were behind the proposed Dominion Trade Union Congress.' 15 |
Thursday 21 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference. Reviews war commitments, manpower and machinery. 16 |
Monday 25 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and says that: ‘… he did not think that even Churchill’s War Cabinet knows of Churchill’s meeting with Roosevelt, which is now taking place. Curtin said he had this from the best source. He thought it was poor commentary on the democratic war organisation when Churchill and Roosevelt met to discuss major strategy apparently without Cabinet direction. He said Bruce had picked up word of the meeting from some undisclosed source.’ 17 |
Tuesday 26 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Chairs meeting of Federal Parliamentary Labor Party, which, after dealing with some business is adjourned until 8 pm. Attends meeting of Full Cabinet, which ‘enormously enlarged the powers of the Director-General of Man-Power, Mr Wurth.’ Broadcasts Australia Day message over Australian national and commercial stations and USA stations. The broadcast was also made available to the British Broadcasting Corporation. Argues that the south-west Pacific ‘was too crucial to be left to a force of caretakers,’ and stating that, ‘the whole history of war is a record of the inability to strike at a time when the enemy would have suffered most.’ Makes statement on Full Cabinet consideration and review of war commitments and manpower. Receives Australia Day message from Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek of China. 8.5 pm |
Wednesday 27 January | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Following a brief statement concerning changes to the Cabinet, outlines details of a meeting between the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Great Britain to discuss plans for the conduct of the war. Then proceeds to propose a motion concerning war policy. In particular, raises the issue of repatriation of service personnel and the care of dependants of those killed or disabled in the war. In addition, raises general questions relating to the use of resources and manpower to assist the war effort. Moves and speaks to a motion concerning unity to the British Commonwealth, pride in the achievements of the armed forces and determination to achieve victory. Responds to interjections by members of the Opposition during statement on the state of the war: ‘If members of the Opposition do not wish to hear what I have to say, it is open for them to follow a certain course, and I invite them to do so. Let them follow the course open to any Opposition in order to effect a change of government if that is what they wish. The state of the country is such that an Opposition which has not the courage to challenge the Government has no right to obstruct it. If the Opposition does not propose to take steps to terminate the existing situation in this Parliament they owe it to the country to make Parliament a workable instrument of democratic government. I wish to make it quite plain that I asked only for a clear and straight issue. The Opposition has as much right as any other party in this Parliament to move motions of whatever nature it thinks proper, and it can vote if it so chooses to turn the Government out of office. If it does not take the course which might lead to the assumption by it of responsibility for the government of the country, then it owes it to the country to make certain that Parliament behaves itself when it sits.’ Tables communiqué concerning the meeting between Churchill and Roosevelt in Casablanca.
Thursday 28 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and reads operational report on Japanese concentrations in the north of Australia, and expresses the view that ‘the fact that the Japs had been outfought in New Guinea would lead them to bring in their best troops for the next effort.’ 10.38 am – 12.55 pm Makes statement of congratulations and sympathy to the families the late Sergeant Kibby and the late Private Gratwick, part of: ‘the spearhead of the recent allied attack against Rommel. Such gallantry is beyond the realm of mere words. To the families of these gallant men, I offer the congratulations and sympathy of the Australian Government for, I am confident, they will be comforted by the fact that all Australia will join with them in their pride and grief.’ 20 |
Friday 29 January | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Introduces the Defence (Citizen Military Forces) Bill, to authorize the Service of Members of the Citizen Military Forces to the South-western Pacific Zone for the duration of the present war. Requests the Trade Union movement for names of representatives for Trade Union Advisory Panel. 21 |
Saturday 30 January | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement concerning extension of compensation scheme for members of the Civil Constructional Corps.22 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 1 February | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Tables text of letters sent to Premiers of each state concerning police powers and ‘bookleg’ bookmakers. 23 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 2 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which incudes Curtin embarking on: "‘… a long and rambling discourse after being asked to comment on the Opposition criticism of the omission of Malaya from the South-West Pacific area. … Reverting to the war, Curtin said it would outlast him and a good many other people. He was asked if he meant it would outlast him politically, or in fact. He did not answer directly, but pointed out that he had been leader of the party for 7½ years, a fact which meant a bit of a strain. Curtin said: “Look at Churchill. He has only to consider higher strategy. I have other jobs. Even though Chifley spares me as much as possible..."' 24 |
Wednesday 3 February | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Moves the second reading of the Defence (Citizen Military Forces) Bill 1943. This bill is designed to override the previously restrictive limitations on the compulsory sending of Australian forces overseas contained in the Defence Act and the National Security Act. Proposes that Australian forces may be required to serve in the South West Pacific Area. Tables two communiqués concerning an engagement between United States and Japanese forces near the Solomons. Makes comment on a report that the Legislative Council of Tasmania had rejected the Powers Bill. 25 |
Thursday 4 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which included comments on a story in the Daily Telegraph which described reports of Japanese concentrations in the north as ‘all hooey’. Curtin ‘had the cutting from the Daily Telegraph and relevant War Council documents before him. He opened out on the Telegraph man and, addressing everybody, said that if his information was not believed he could serve no purpose by continuing to give it. He was very angry, but quietened down towards the end of the interview.’ 10.30 am? – 1.26 pm |
Saturday 6 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement concerning the Premier of SA, Mr Playford and the regulation of racing: ‘The Premier of South Australia (Mr. Playford) is humbugging himself. He has had the power to regulate racing not only since National Security (Racing Control) Regulations have been operating but the Parliament of South Australia has had the power during the whole of the history of Federation. … I am not going to be put into the position of chiding other Premiers in order to express admiration of Mr Playford. His attitude appears to be that in the other States the Premiers do not know how to handle racing.’ 27
Monday 8 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference. ‘Curtin sent out a special call to the roundsmen this afternoon to talk to him. He mentioned the attacks on Fadden particularly in the Daily Telegraph. He was particularly bitter about the Telegraph. He said that Fadden’s stand in favour of the Militia Bill followed reading to War Council last week of the Casablanca cables. These showed that there was to be no change in the “beat Hitler first” policy and that Australia must hold on. … Curtin said that the attacks on Fadden were unfair…' 28 |
Tuesday 9 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Expresses sympathy to the family of Private Kingsbury, second VC of the New Guinea campaign. 29 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 10 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the powers of the Chief Publicity Censor. 30 | |||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 11 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference at which it was announced that the first echelon of American army corps had arrived in Australia. ‘Curtin is very reticent about these troops. He won’t say anything about them for the time being.’ 10.30 am? – 12.10 pm |
Monday 15 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 16 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on Full Cabinet approval to amend the Commonwealth Electoral (War-time) Act to make voting provision for members of the forces serving within and outside the Commonwealth. 33 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 17 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of the War Cabinet. |
House of Representatives | |||||||||||||||||||
Replies to questions concerning preference in employment for essential service workers and returned soldiers. Denies Australian Comforts Fund request for concession on the payment of excise duty on tobacco and cigarettes. Makes statements on:
Thursday 18 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on granting franchise to servicemen from the ACT. Replies to a question by the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Fadden) that he has no knowledge of misuse of information by members of the Australian Advisory War Council. 35 |
Friday 19 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Issues proclamation that any member of the Citizen Military Forces may be required to serve in the South-Western Pacific Zone as specified by proclamation. Makes statements on:
Walks back to The Lodge after work: ‘… stops and chats to a woman in a bus shed. Learns that her child is 21 days old and by law registration should be made that day. Brings a car from The Lodge and takes the woman to the registrar of births a few minutes before closing time. The child is registered with Mr Curtin as a “distinguished witness.”’ 36 |
Wednesday 24 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes reports of a plane over Sydney on Friday night, which resulted in sirens being sounded to prevent people being hurt by shrapnel. ‘Curtin was told of rumours in Sydney that the warning was a scare. He expressed disgust. … The 9th Division has arrived in Fremantle [and] …Curtin believes that the Jap plane on Friday night was looking into Sydney and along the coast to see whether these troops had arrived.’ 10.30 am? – 1.15 pm |
House of Representatives | |||||||||||||||||||
Makes further statement and statement in Parliament on air raid alarms at Sydney and Port Kembla. Announces second visit by Dr Evatt to London and Washington. Makes statement on consideration of personal visit overseas. 37 |
Thursday 25 February | Parliamentary Dining Room, Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
During adjournment of Parliament attends Moral Rearmament revue, Battle for Australia under the direction of Ivan Menzies. Comments that he thinks the show had an important contribution to make to raising morale and that he wanted all Australians to see it quickly. [Fred McLaughlin, Curtin’s secretary, was a committed member of the Moral Rearmament Movement. He ‘was a meticulous person and dotted every “i” and made sure everything was done’. ‘He was one of these people who were always doing.... at least expecting you to do good deeds and live a better life than you were living and so he used to leave notes for us all round saying how we could make our lives better.’ He was seen as a ‘strange man. … a very genuine sort of a fellow’ who tried to get his friends in the Moral Rearmament Movement behind the war effort. ‘This religious zealotry, and his membership of the Mural Rearmament Movement, led him to try and encourage Curtin back towards Christianity, although with limited success.’]38 |
Friday 26 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and gives assurance that there will not be an early election. |
House of Representatives | |||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Announces approval of King for retention of name Shropshire by new cruiser presented to Australia by British Government. 39 |
Saturday 27 February | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement reiterating that Dr Evatt would return to Australia after his overseas visit. ‘The statement that the Minister for External Affairs (Dr Evatt) may not return to Australia is an utter fabrication.’ Announces the exchange of High Commissioners between the Commonwealth and New Zealand Governments, and the appointment of Mr C A Berendsen as High Commissioner for New Zealand in Australia. 40 |
Tuesday 2 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of War Cabinet, which decides to ‘constitute a reconstruction training committee to deal with problems involved in the training, for ultimate return to civil life, of members of the fighting services.’ Makes statements on:
Wednesday 3 March | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Comments on unacceptability of Fadden’s amendment to the Income Tax Assessment Bill. 42 | |||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 4 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
10.30 am? – 1.25 pm |
House of Representatives | |||||||||||||||||||
Sunday 7 March | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Addresses – giving a ‘War Loan lesson’ - more than 20 000 people at Caulfield at a ceremonial parade, after the Australian flag, with an appropriate inscription, had been presented to a US serviceman’s band on behalf of Caulfield citizens. 44 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 8 March | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Delays departure for Canberra as he was ‘feeling a little weary.' 45 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 9 March | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Wednesday 10 March | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
‘It is a little incongruous that a Labour Prime Minister, who has been a trade unionist for 40 years, according to the terms of the ACTU resolution, is disbarred from having a representative at the Congress. I am not a member of any organization affiliated with the ACTU. I do not think the ACTU can impeach my trades union position or record. It seems to me to be a little silly that 100,000 men in the AWU have no right to be heard at the London gathering. Cabinet will decide the matter.’
‘I look at this report with great distress and with bitter disappointment. The mere existence of such a report is a condemnation. I do not know the causes which have contributed to any of the stoppages, or whether some of them are, from the point of view of those participating in them, justified or not. As head of the Government, I regard stoppages on the coalfields at this time, whatever the cause, as something which does infinite mischief to Australia's capacity to wage war.’ Quotes text of letter from General MacArthur written in response to congratulations for victory in Battle of Bismarck Sea. 47 |
Thursday 11 March | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on Allied aid to Russia. 48 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 15 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Radio broadcast opening the Third Liberty Loan. 49 |
Tuesday 16 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
10.30 am? – 2.20 pm |
House of Representatives | |||||||||||||||||||
Moves motions concerning Income Tax Bill. Quotes text of letters to Fadden concerning Bill. 7.8 pm – 7.30 pm |
Wednesday 17 March | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and ‘has been reticent on background information for some weeks now. This follows his angry outburst against a certain paper which, after learning what the real position was, wrote editorials which were contrary to fact.’ Makes statements on:
Thursday 18 March | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces overseas mission to study data and methods of production of modern war aircraft. Makes statement on the Brisbane Line in response to article in The Argus (Melbourne) 18 March 1943. 52 |
Friday 19 March | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement quoting letter from, and response to, Leader in the Senate on the granting of, and a misunderstanding over, the granting of pairs. 53 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 20 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Establishment of record by the Curtin Government of 529 days without a change in personnel or of portfolios. [The Government was sworn in on 7th October, 1941. The record was held by the second Fisher Government, which was sworn in on 29th April, 1910. The first change came after 528 days on 8th October, 1911. The Fisher Government then remained intact until the elections - a further 611 days.] Announces amendment to National Security (Meat Industry Control) Regulations, making provision for the control of the meat industry by the appointment of a Controller of Meat Supplies and a Meat Advisory Committee. 54 |
Tuesday 23 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference in which he states he is: ‘profoundly disappointed at the number of subscriptions so far lodged for the Third Liberty Loan’. He also expresses disappointment at a speech by Churchill in which he ‘disposed of the Far East in a few sentences.’ … [and said] ‘he regarded Churchill’s speech as a direct intimation to the Australian people that there was a long struggle ahead of them.’ Makes statement supporting Stevedoring Industry Commission scheme for operation of Port of Sydney. Announces safe arrival in Australia of Ninth Division of AIF. 55
Wednesday 24 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
10.30 am? – 1.30 pm ‘An argument developed on a statement made by Mr Calwell [on the conscription issue], as a result of which the PM retired from the meeting. Mr Forde took the Chair; He then read a letter from the PM as follows: Dear Mr Forde In view of the accusation made against me by Mr Calwell, i.e. “that I will finish up on the other side (the anti-Labor side) leading a National Government”, I invite the party either to dissociate itself from the accusation or appoint another leader. Obviously, if the charge has a semblance of justification, the party is in an invidious position in entrusting its leadership to a potential traitor. Yours faithfully Announces publication of booklet The Job Australia is Doing. Makes statements on:
Thursday 25 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
10.30 am? – 12.30 pm ‘… a Bill for consideration of the Party giving Preference of employment in the Commonwealth Public Service to various bodies mentioned serving in the War and asked leave to introduce the Bill this day. After explaining the Bill he moved the adoption of the submission. Seconded by Senator Amour. Carried.’ Outlines the planning being undertaken on the production of food, the rationing of certain items, the export of foodstuffs to Great Britain and the requirements of the armed forces. |
House of Representatives | |||||||||||||||||||
Presents the Commonwealth Public Service Bill 1943, which is designed to give preference to returned soldiers in public service employment. The provisions of the Bill are explained and questions responded to. Makes statement on deferral by the Senate of a bill on electoral rights. ‘I regard it as contemptuous treatment and abuse of the parliamentary institution. This seems to be a device which is a compromise between postponement of a bill for six months - which is tantamount to the rejection of a bill - and the period which is a sanctuary for the Senate. Furthermore, it does not leave any pretence of the Government being in control of the order in which business shall be dealt with or the days on which Parliament shall meet. I do not think there is a similar instance on record in the annals of the Parliament. It is a clear case of nineteen men trying to control 110.’ Reviews problems of food supply and price control. 57 |
Friday 26 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Chairs ‘Special meeting’ of Federal Parliamentary Labor Party. In Parliament – makes statement on Senate’s attitude to preference in employment. Makes statement on the valued work of Mr Nelson T Johnston, United States of America Minister in Australia. 58 |
Sunday 28 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Speech asking for support for the Third Liberty Loan. 59 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 29 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Opens the Annual Congress of the Canberra Branch of the Returned Soldiers’ League. ‘”Australia’s immediate task is to build her strength in a struggle for sheer survival,” Mr Curtin said.’" 60 |
Tuesday 30 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference. | |||||||||||||||||||
House of Representatives | |||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements:
Wednesday 31 March | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
10.30 am? – 1 pm |
House of Representatives | |||||||||||||||||||
Discusses the amendment proposed to the Australian Soldiers’ Repatriation Bill 1943 concerning preferential employment for returned soldiers. Discusses in detail the definition of a returned soldier, and the categories of people who would be given preferential employment. Continues to respond to particular criticisms concerning the categories of people who shall qualify for preferential employment. 62 |
Thursday 1 April | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Following a slow response to the Third Liberty Loan, makes an impassioned plea for Australians to ensure the success of this fundraising loan. Moves that the amendment of Senate’s amendment concerning preference in employment, be not pressed. (Carried). 63 |
Saturday 3 April | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces pleasing progress of subscriptions to the Third Liberty Loan. 64 | ||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 7 April | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on proposals for an International Clearing Union. 65 | |||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 8 April | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces arrival in San Francisco of Dr H V Evatt and the Director of Post-War Reconstruction, Dr H C Coombs. Makes statement on war in the Pacific, on the anniversary of the fall of Bataan. 66 |
Friday 9 April | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Sends telegram to the Minister for Labour and National Service (Mr Ward) that: ‘In view of refusal of men in the protected industry of wharf-labouring at the Port of Sydney to continue at their work as prescribed, I desire you take steps to have their reserved position cancelled as from Monday at noon; they to be available thereupon for direction in accordance with the law. Inform union's officers accordingly.’ [On 12 April, 1943, the members of the Waterside Workers' Federation voted by ballot and decided to resume work.] Makes statement on War Cabinet adoption of recommendations by Reconstruction Training Committee on a reconstruction training scheme for members of the forces. 67 |
Saturday 10 April | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference at which he was: ‘…very scathing about the off-the-record story which the Sun ran about Kenney [Deputy Commander and Commander, Allied Air Force, South-West Pacific Area, 1942-1945]. He said the papers might as well tell Tojo everything. He was sick of it. He wondered if offices instructed employees to disregard all censorship instructions. He regarded the Sun’s offence as a serious breach, and he was disappointed that information which he provided to enable newspaper editorial writers to be well informed should have been disclosed.’ |
Brunswick, Victoria | |||||||||||||||||||
Watches cricket match between sub-district team and Williamstown. 68 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sunday 11 April | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes national broadcast together with the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Forde, the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Fadden, and the Deputy Leader, Mr Hughes, appealing for support for the Third Liberty Loan. 69 |
Monday 12 April | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Gives analysis of those engaged in war occupations. 70 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 13 April | Melbourne Town Hall | ||||||||||||||||||
Speaks at War Loan Rally. “Fill the loan, or else….” |
Wednesday 14 April | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of War Cabinet at which it was decided that occupation by the services of certain schools in the Melbourne metropolitan area must continue for the present. Makes statements on:
Thursday 15 April | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and reviews the position in the South-west Pacific as presented to War Council and War Cabinet in the past few days. Announces:
Sunday 18 April | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Broadcasts in support of the Third Liberty Loan. Makes statement on production and distribution of food and the role of the Food Executive. 74 |
Thursday 22 April | Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Travels to Perth by train. ‘As his train proceeded across the Nullarbor, it passed a train crowded with troops who, on hearing that Curtin was aboard, called out “Where’s John? Bring out old John!” Curtin was enjoying the comforts of the Railway Commissioner’s carriage which had been made for a visit in 1921 by the Prince of Wales. It had two bedrooms, a bunk room and a big dining room and kitchen, and came with a chef and waitress. When Curtin appeared on the observation platform, “he was subjected to a volley of cheers. At one station, he came across troops playing a game of two-up, who stopped when they saw him. But he indicated that they should continue playing.” Find out more about John Curtins railway journeys by exploring the online resource On Track: John Curtin's Railway Journeys. |
Thursday 23 April | Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces over-subscription of Third Liberty Loan. 76 | |||||||||||||||||||
c. Friday 23 April – c. Friday 7 May |
Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Spends two weeks over Easter in Western Australia attending political meetings and making speeches. Presents luncheon address to the Perth Rotary Club. 77 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 27 April | Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on update of figures published in booklet The Job Australia is Doing. 78 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 28 April | Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Speaks at private reception tendered to him by executives of the Perth Chamber of Commerce and the WA Chamber of Manufacturers. ‘At the conclusion of his address the acclamation was so spontaneous and overwhelming that even Mr Curtin himself was visibly affected.' 79 |
Thursday 29 April | Fremantle Town Hall | ||||||||||||||||||
Impresses on ‘a big audience … his belief that Australia was facing a protracted war and that continued sacrifices would have to be made by the civilian population.’ 80 | |||||||||||||||||||
Saturday 1 May | Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Comments on ‘militant’ political speech by Leader of the Opposition in the Senate (Senator McLeay). Makes statement on the value of the Port Pirie/Broken Hill Railway line. 81 |
Tuesday 4 May | Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Speaks at reception ‘tendered to him by the executive of the Returned Soldiers’ League.’ ‘”I cannot say that all is well in Australia,” said Mr Curtin, “It is not. There is very stupid complacency by too many people in too many places.”’ Makes statement on the value of converting the Port Pirie/Broken Hill Railway line to standard gauge. 82 |
Wednesday 5 May | ?? | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Monday 10 May | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Meets with the Australian Minister to Washington, Sir Owen Dixon. 84 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 11 May | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Answers criticism of the prices stabilization policy. Comments positively on a statement by Mr W M Hughes that no man should be discharged from the Army unless he had a position to go to. Makes statements on:
Sends messages to, and receives replies from, PM Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt on the North African campaign. 85
Wednesday 12 May | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Thursday 13 May | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Announcement of torpedoing of Australian hospital ship Centaur, off the Queensland coast. ‘The “Centaur” was, at 4 o'clock on the morning of Friday, 14th May, 1943, a short distance off the Queensland coast. The weather was fine and clear and the visibility good. The ship was brightly illuminated in accordance with the Hague Convention. Illuminations, in addition to the usual navigation lights, consisted of red crosses on each side of the hull, red crosses on each side of the funnel, a large red cross directed upwards on the poop and rows of brilliant bright lights along the side of the hull to illuminate the characteristic green painted band - in this case 5 feet wide - which encircles hospital ships. On board the “Centaur” at the time were 332 persons, consisting solely of the ship's crew and medical personnel, including twelve nurses. No wounded were on board. In all there were only 64 survivors, including one nurse. Remaining 258 persons, including members of the ship's crew, nurses and other medical personnel, lost their lives.' 87 |
Friday 14 May | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of War Cabinet, which allocated £125 000 towards the capital cost of sheds and canteens regarded as essential to the 'proper conduct of the stevedoring operations.' Announces thanksgiving services for victory in the North African campaign. Makes statements on:
Sunday 16 May | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes national broadcast in which he: ‘deliberately used the word “treachery” … to describe interruptions to war work,’ caused by industrial stoppages.' 89 |
Monday 17 May | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which covers the sinking of the Centaur and allied shipping losses in recent months. Makes statement on industrial production and the Allied offensive, re-iterating his deliberate use of the word ‘treachery’ in yesterday’s broadcast to describe industrial stoppages as: ‘It is the antithesis of the other word which I used, which was “homage”. Men and women do not respect the soldier in the fighting line by being unnecessarily idle in their own job.' 90 |
Tuesday 18 May | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of Federal Cabinet which decided to ‘attempt more stringent action to prevent the industrial disputes which at present are impairing the war effort.’ Makes statement on War Cabinet decision on penalties for strike action. Receives telegram from the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Fadden) on the Brisbane Line and claiming misrepresentation of the state of Australia’s defences by Minister for Labour (Mr Ward), when the Fadden Government in power. Ward suggested that, ‘When the Fadden Government was in power Australia had hardly means at her disposal to ward off native canoes.’ 91 |
Wednesday 19 May | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of War Cabinet which discussed compensation rates for injured workers. Announces Full Cabinet decision to substantially increase the subsidy for the dairy industry. Makes statement on Full Cabinet decision to relax restrictions on the observance of public holidays throughout the Commonwealth. Announces War Cabinet decision to adopt rates of compensation provided in the New South Wales Employees' Compensation Act for the Civil Constructional Corps compensation scheme. Makes statement that no violation of convention took place to cause the torpedoing of the hospital ship Centaur, as all on board were non-combatants. Announces Government decision to hold the Third Trades Union Conference on 18/19 June 1943, and that he would: ‘… preside at the conference, the purpose of which will be the conduct of an examination of the position of Australia in relation to the war in the light of circumstances existing at the present time, and what part the employees and their organizations can play in the solution of the problems confronting the nation. It is hoped that the fullest and frankest exchange of views will take place and that the meeting will result in a more complete understanding of the difficulties with which the Government and people of Australia have to contend.’ 92 |
Thursday 20 May | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference. Makes statement that: ‘The right way to avenge the death of the nurses, medical personnel and seamen who perished in the hospital ship Centaur is to stiffen the war capacity of the country in all ways devised by the Government. Contributions to the reserves of the Government - to war loans and in free gifts to the nation for war purposes - will all be used in that combination of effort required to make Japan pay for its murderous onslaught.’ 93 |
Friday 21 May | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Saturday 22 May | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which covers food and the rural position generally. Makes statement on the observance of Empire Day. 95 |
Monday 24 May | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement indicating no plans for a general election, as he has ‘enough to do without them.’ Sends letter in response to Mr Fadden’s telegram of 18 May 1943, clarifying the state of defence of northern Australia and the viability of the Brisbane Line. Makes statements:
Tuesday 25 May | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes Curtin’s plans for going to Brisbane to meet MacArthur and extensive commentary on the press and censorship. ‘Curtin criticised an article in yesterday’s Melbourne Herald by Murdoch. He described it as a “dirty stinking article”. The article referred among things to the relationship between Churchill, Roosevelt and Curtin. Curtin said these relationships had always been on the highest plane of cordiality and responsibility. Another article by Murdoch, intended for publication today, was censored completely. … The article set out to show that the Japanese did not intend to sink the Centaur, because they were kind, considerate foes who had treated their prisoners, the Red Cross and everybody else very well indeed.’ Announces:
Wednesday 26 May | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the first anniversary of the signing of the Anglo-Soviet Treaty. ‘This treaty provides for common and unrelenting warfare against Germany until victory is secured, and for a twenty years' alliance after the war to prevent any recrudescence of German aggression. The importance of this treaty cannot be over-estimated. It has brought together in formal partnership the two great representatives of the United Nations in Europe for the purpose of overthrowing Axis tyranny. It also contains the greatest promise to date of that co-operation between the British and Soviet peoples after the war on which peace in Europe will depend.’ 98 |
Thursday 27 May | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces amendments to the National Security (Supplementary) Regulations. Issues direction on flying of flags on Commonwealth buildings on Memorial Day, 'in commemoration of deceased war veterans of the United States of America.' Makes statement denying a report that the Australian Government had ‘washed its hands’ of Australian prisoners of war. 99 |
Friday 28 May | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the Brisbane Line and defending Lieutenant General Sir Iven Mackay, who: ‘With the forces then at his disposal and the absence of aerodromes, roads, communications and workable harbours in the northern parts of Australia … had the soundest of military reasons for avoiding a wide dispersal of an inadequate force.’ Announces monitoring of industrial unrest by the Commonwealth Investigation Branch in association with the Department of the Commonwealth Industrial Inspector. 100 |
Saturday 29 May | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on Cabinet review of restrictions on sport on public holidays and decision to slightly relax restrictions. 101 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 31 May | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Comments in response to a statement of policy by the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Fadden), saying that: ‘It appears to me to be an election omnibus on which wolves and lambs, bank mobilizers and anti-socialists, private entrepreneurs and monopoly controllers, stand-patters and promoters of new social orders are all invited to go for a ride.’ Announces additional amendments to the National Security (Supplementary) Regulations. 102 |
Tuesday 1 June | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and appeared to have become: ‘…suddenly election conscious in view of the Opposition policy announced by Fadden. … Finishing up the interview on defence, Curtin said that the day which had saved Australia had been the day of the Coral Sea battle in which our fate (and he had known it) had hung in the balance, and which had made the Japs doubtful of their forces in all subsequent attacks.’ Presents analysis of losses of Empire troops and gives details of Australian casualties to end of March 1943. 103 |
Thursday 3 June | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement indicating that the Advisory War Cabinet had discussed the Brisbane Line, and that all documents had been tabled as requested by Mr Fadden. Declares that all coalminers undertakings in pursuance of National Security (Man Power) Regulations are protected for the purposes of regulation 103 of National Security (Supplementary) Regulations. Makes statement on the meeting between Churchill and Roosevelt in Washington that: ‘Australia has every reason for satisfaction with the decision of the British Prime Minister (Mr Churchill) and President Roosevelt that the war in the Pacific will be prosecuted with the same vigour as the war in Europe. I have expressed to them on behalf of the Australian people our appreciation of the deep significance of their assurance relating to the Pacific.’ Announces further appointment of cadets for diplomatic staff. 104 |
Friday 4 June | Sydney | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of War Cabinet which considered the establishment of a Central Salvage Commission. Together with Lord Gowrie, meets Lord Burghley, Controller of Repairs and Overseas Supplies in Britain, at Admiralty House. Announces:
Makes statements on:
Sunday 6 June | Trades Hall, Sydney | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends ALP Conference. Gives a speech which: ‘had its flashes of pure patriotism and its chilling passages of party propaganda.' 106 |
Monday 7 June | Sydney | ||||||||||||||||||
Meets General MacArthur for discussions on Allied strategy in the South-west Pacific zone. After the meeting states that while Japan was no longer able to invade Australia, the nation was ‘not yet immune from marauding raids which may cause much damage and loss.’ Makes statement that there has been one dispute since amendments to the National Security (Supplementary) Regulations came into force. 107 |
Wednesday 9 June | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes discussion on the Brisbane Line and also reveals that: ‘… important operational and strategical operations were pending. Without going into too great detail he said that limited offensives would be undertaken as soon as possible which would have the effect of making Japanese-held positions on the southern fringe of the defensive areas, which she is building on the north, vulnerable when Germany is defeated.’ 108 |
Thursday 10 June | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Responds to statement by Mr McEwan, MP, on the Brisbane Line, indicating that a letter to Mr Fadden ‘cleared up the matter.’ Announces:
Makes statements on:
Friday 11 June | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
The Curtin Government establishes an all-time record since federation - 612 days without a change in the personnel or the allocation of portfolios in the Cabinet. [The record was previously held by the second Fisher Government which, after a change on 8 October, 1911, following the death of Mr E G Batchelor, remained intact until the elections on 24th June, 1913 - a total of 611 days.] Makes statement on and presents text of draft agreement for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. Announces:
Saturday 12 June | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Responds to criticism of his statement that ‘I do not think the enemy can now invade this country.’ Finds the criticism ‘surprising’. |
Monday 14 June | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference. 112 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 15 June | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces amendments to the National Security (Patriotic Funds) Regulations. 113 | |||||||||||||||||||
Friday 18 June | Canberra, | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference. |
Melbourne | |||||||||||||||||||
Makes requests to Premiers regarding the staggering of hours and shop opening times. Repeats belief that the enemy can no longer invade Australia: ‘That statement is not based on any personal military views of my own. It is based on my knowledge of the resources available to us and of assessments which have been competently made. Mine is not a belated realization. I have to point out that since I made my previous statements on invasion dangers vast changes have occurred. Anything I have said at any time on Australia's war position has been said strictly in accordance with the state of the war and quite regardless of politics.’ 114 |
Friday 18 - Saturday 19 June |
Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Presides over Third Trade Union Convention. 115 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sunday 20 June | Melbourne, Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Responds to a joint statement by the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney and the Catholic Archbishop of Sydney: ‘The joint statement is welcome as an influential approach to problems which have to be solved if we are ever to save mankind from the evils which have afflicted recent generations. We can never get rid of wars unless we are assured of justice in the relationships of man to man. If these relationships are to be conditioned by purely economic standards then conflicts will inevitably arise. As these conflicts arise not only between classes but between States co-operation is negated by the doctrine of economic necessity. We have to substitute human values for material values.' 116 |
Monday 21 June | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
10.30 am? – 12.30 pm |
House of Representatives | |||||||||||||||||||
Responds to a no-confidence motion in the Government, moved by Leader of the Opposition, Mr Fadden: ‘I am willing to carry on with the task which fate gave me and to fulfill it to the end. But I respect the parliamentary system of this country and all its institutions. If they do not allow me to carry on, I, of course, cannot do it. I am very happy that whatever may be the opinions of the Opposition towards the Government the terrible burden which was thrown upon us to defend this country in circumstances of dire peril of its existence has been carried and that the enemy, at any rate from outside, has not destroyed this Government; that it is still free to the Australian people to have a government of their own choice. I feel that this is a situation which the circumstances of the war enable me to say can be long maintained.’ The motion was defeated. Announces resignations of the Speaker, Mr Nairn, and the Chairman of Committees, Mr Prowse. 117 |
Tuesday 22 June | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Responds to a ‘motion of want of confidence in the Government’ with respect to domestic administration by referring to the importance of the war effort and the difficulties of maintaining normal domestic arrangements in times of war. Reviews:
Updates figures on the use and distribution of manpower. Responds to statement by Leader of the Opposition Mr Fadden, saying: ‘We do not believe in compulsory unionism; but we believe in preference to unionists.' 118 |
Wednesday 23 June | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Gives assurance that all documents had been supplied in relation to the Royal Commission and the Brisbane Line. 119 | |||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 24 June | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Foreshadows the need for an election in a motion of adjournment. Announces standing down of Minister for Labour and National Service (Mr Ward) until the completion of the Royal Commission into the missing document on the Brisbane Line is complete. 120 |
Friday 25 June | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on a report on the incidence of malaria by Sir Earle Page, and action taken. 121 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 28 June | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces resignation, due to ill-health, of Australian Minister to the USSR (Mr W Slater).122 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 30 June | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Outlines action taken by the Government subsequent to the preparation of a report on the economic position of Tasmania as affected by the war. In addition announces the creation of the Tasmanian Industry Expansion Commission. Makes statement on the manufacture of aluminium in Australia. 123 |
Thursday 1 July | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Moves for the adjournment of the Parliament and as this is the last opportunity prior to the forthcoming election thanks colleagues, the Leader of the Opposition and the parliamentary staff for their support. Announces convening of a conference of Commonwealth and State Ministers for 14 July at Melbourne. |
Parliament House | |||||||||||||||||||
Evening |
Friday 2 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Issues directive,’that flags should be flown and bunting displayed on Commonwealth buildings on Sunday, 4th July, 1943, in celebration of Independence Day.’ Makes statement comparing United States and Australian aid in Lend Lease Reciprocal Agreement. 125 |
Monday 5 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes comment on discussions (which ‘have not yet reached the announceable stage’) with Portugal concerning use of the Azores by the Allies for building facilities ‘to enable the war against the U-boats to be carried on. Development of such a base would mean that U-boats would be subject to attack from almost every part of the Atlantic.’ Makes Independence Day broadcast to the United States in which he ‘compared the Pacific War to a football match, in which the United Nations had kicked off after the interval, and were going to carry the ball into the enemy territory for a smashing victory.’ Announces dissolution of Parliament on 7 July, a general election on 21 August, and the re-assembly of the new Parliament on 27 September. 126 |
Wednesday 7 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Parliament dissolved. 127 | |||||||||||||||||||
Friday 9 July | Probably Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on War Cabinet:
Monday 12 July | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on Full Cabinet:
Tuesday 13 July | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of War Cabinet. Makes statements on:
Wednesday 14 July | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and refers to: ‘the offensive now in progress in the north. He said he felt certain that by the end of this month the offensive would be in reasonable shape. … He said War Councillors were surprised at what he had shown them. “It will not be too bad – the Japs are reinforcing as they must, but they cannot do it properly. We can match them plane for plane, gun for gun. They will do some damage, they will try diversions; there will be raids and they will also bring task forces down. All that is being met, but I cannot ignore it at present. We are getting into the third quarter and they are thinking of using the 19th man. I have been looking at our side and it may pay to put our 19th man in now.”’ Attends two-day conference with Premiers. Announces:
Releases Royal Commissioner’s report on the Brisbane Line missing document, and writes to Mr Ward MP that: ‘… The reasons which caused me to direct you to abstain from the administration of your office, therefore, continue and will continue until the Parliament has dealt with the matters involved. For these reasons, I now repeat my direction to you to abstain from performing any of the duties of your office and have arranged for the Honorable R J Holloway, MP, to continue to act for and in your place.’ National Archives of Australia RecordsSearch database Royal Commission on the matter known as the Brisbane Line Sends message on behalf of the Australian people, to French people throughout the Pacific, to mark the National Day of France. 131 |
Thursday 15 July | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends two-day conference with State Premiers At the close of the conference Mr Curtin thanked the Premiers ‘for the cooperation they had given him and asked them to continue that cooperation with whatever “Australian headed an Australian Government” after the elections.’ Sends message of appreciation to the Volunteer Defence Corps on its third anniversary. Makes statement concerning regulations covering strikes and review of operations. 132 |
Monday 19 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and says he is considering a reply to a cable received from Churchill who is concerned about the use of British policy as an issue in Australian elections: ‘Curtin recalled that Churchill said nothing last federal elections when Menzies and Churchill’s pictures were shown together. … Curtin also took the Melbourne Herald rep to task over an advertisement in Saturday night’s Sporting Globe. The advertisement showed a workman being directed to a munitions factory at Berriwillock despite his protest that he was already engaged in war work. … Firstly, Curtin said that if there was a munitions factory at Berriwillock the newspaper had infringed national security by disclosing it; secondly, if there was not such a factory, the advertisement published a lie. He went on to refer to the responsibility of newspapers and said that a time was coming when newspapers must take responsibility for statements appearing in them.' 133 |
Tuesday 20 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces measures to maintain and improve supplies of essential commodities and for stabilizing the cost of living. 134 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 21 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and says he has received ‘a brief message from naval authorities’ … that the Australian cruiser Hobart had been torpedoed by a Jap submarine off the Solomons. Two destroyers were standing by. He has no further information at present.’ Denies postponing announcement of Price Stablization Plan for electioneering purposes. Announces instructions to munitions establishments and the services in connection with the general election. 135 |
Thursday 22 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends press conference at which he says ‘that there would be no discrimination in the reimbursements to employers of the cost of living wage increases caused by the higher index figure for the June quarter.’ Makes statements on:
Friday 23 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
‘… Finally, I have to say to every coalminer that the law will be enforced absolutely. …I will regard every coalminer who stops work as not only a breaker of the law, for which he should, and will, be punished, but also as a factor in giving aid to the enemies of his country.’ Speaks in reply to Opposition policy speech. 137 |
Monday 26 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and comments on Mussolini’s resignation on 25 July that: ‘… while he had had no official background on Mussolini, his opinion was that Mussolini’s resignation had been secured in order to obtain better peace terms with Allied Nations. Goes to broadcasting studio and presents election policy speech. Launches election campaign, laying great emphasis on the Labour Government’s war achievements. 138
Tuesday 27 July | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Leaves for Brisbane.139 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 28 July | Brisbane | ||||||||||||||||||
Speaks at City Hall. ‘The City Hall, which holds 2500 people, was crowded, and many soldiers were among the audience. When Mr Curtin appeared on the platform the crowd rose and cheered. He was given a most enthusiastic reception. The enthusiasm continued throughout his speech, and often his points were lost to many by the applause. Mr Curtin gave great emphasis to the war record of his Government.’ 140 |
Thursday 29 July | Griffiths | ||||||||||||||||||
Speaks at meeting. ‘At each meeting there would be crowds of supporters, with hardly an interjector among them, and loudspeakers to carry Curtin’s message to the many who could not fit inside.’ Reviews the sugar crop and the sugar industry. Makes statement on the replacement of HMAS Sydney and the decision to temporarily invest the fund. 141 |
Friday 30 July | Brisbane | ||||||||||||||||||
Leaves for Sydney. 142 |
Saturday 31 July | Sydney | ||||||||||||||||||
Arrives in Sydney. 143 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 2 August | Sydney Town Hall | ||||||||||||||||||
Addresses political meeting, stating that ‘the Labour Party was asking for a mandate for the peace. It was one of the largest political meetings in the history of Sydney. Mr Curtin received an ovation when he mounted the platform and again when he rose to speak.' 144 |
Tuesday 3 August | Eden- Monaro/Goulburn | ||||||||||||||||||
Delivers an ‘outspoken denunciation of Communism’ declaring that ‘any Communist elected to Federal Parliament would have a better chance of being included in the Opposition group than any Labor party.’ Announces:
Wednesday 4 August | Ballarat | ||||||||||||||||||
Travelled through a snowstorm from Melbourne to address: ‘an orderly meeting with no interjections. Mr Curtin mentioned he had been born in Creswick, 12 miles from Ballarat, and that Mrs Caddy, aged 70 years, who nursed him as a child was present at the meeting.' 146 |
Thursday 5 August | Melbourne Town Hall | ||||||||||||||||||
Speaks at meeting. Announces application of the National Security (Mobilization of Services and Property) Regulations (concerning strikes) in respect of members of the Amalgamated Engineering Union, the Federated Engine Drivers and Firemen's Association, the Federated Ironworkers Association and the Electrical Trades Union of Australia employed at Yallourn (Victoria) by the State Electricity Commission. Makes statement on exports to Britain. 147 |
Friday 6 August | Melbourne Town Hall | ||||||||||||||||||
Addresses a crowd of 3,000 at a meeting which was broadcast over the national network. Defended the employment of soldiers on the wharves, stating that ‘the volume of cargo handled in the first half of 1943 was about double that in the latter half of 1942, … and declared that this increase and other war calls on manpower made the work of soldiers on the wharves a military necessity.’ 148 |
Saturday 7 August | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on financial policy. 149 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sunday 8 August | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on defence policy. 150 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 9 August | Horsham, Victoria | ||||||||||||||||||
Speaks at civic reception stressing the importance of ‘a population of two or even three times the present number.’ Evening |
Tuesday 10 August | Adelaide | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on post-war planning in response to statement by the Chairman of the Commonwealth Bank Board (Sir Claude Reading), expressing his personal view on the use of bank credit in post-war planning. 152 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 11 August | Adelaide | ||||||||||||||||||
Speaks to ‘the biggest meeting so far of his election tour,’ at Adelaide Town Hall. ‘His account of the course of the war and the way in which his Government had tackled the problems confronting it, was listened to with rapt attention by his audience.’ Makes statement on the making of regulations by Parliament and the Opposition’s role. Replies to a statement by Senator Foll on the defence of Singapore. 153 |
Thursday 12 August | South Australia | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement responding to request for review of regulations covering racing meetings. |
Friday 13 August | Kadina, South Australia | ||||||||||||||||||
Addresses an audience of more than 500, charging ‘previous non-Labor Governments with having failed to carry out essential strategical works in pre-war years on the plea “that there was no money available."' | |||||||||||||||||||
Port Pirie, South Australia | |||||||||||||||||||
Evening |
Saturday 14 August | Adelaide | ||||||||||||||||||
Evening |
Sunday 15 August | Adelaide | ||||||||||||||||||
Flies to Perth on four-engined Lancaster bomber spending final week of the campaign there. ‘Mr Curtin made the journey from the cabin behind the wireless operator and watched the activities of the crew.’ ‘When the machine was coming in to land at Kalgoorlie the starboard engine faltered, causing the starboard wing to drop. The machine landed on one wheel with a bounce, but skilful handing by the pilot Flight-Lieutenant Isaacson, enabled a safe landing.’ [‘The bomber had been flown out from Britain ostensibly to publicise the war loan campaign but really to sell the aircraft for possible production in Australia, and thereby tie the growing Australian aircraft industry to Britain.’] Makes statement on the use of the Australian Imperial Force. 157 |
Monday 16 August | Fremantle Mayor's Parlour | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends welcome by the Mayor (Mr F E Gibson, MLC), councillors and business men. | |||||||||||||||||||
Leederville Town Hall | |||||||||||||||||||
Opens election campaign for the Fremantle seat. ‘Speaking for an hour and three-quarters, without stress and with practically no special emphasis on any topic, he mainly described the part his Government had played in organising Australia for war.’ Speaks to ‘at least six more meetings in Perth and Fremantle, attracting large and sympathetic crowds’ during the week to the election. 158 |
Tuesday 17 August | South Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Speaks at meeting where he ‘was keenly questioned’ and ‘given an excellent hearing by about 300 women.’ Makes statements:
Victoria Park - Mint Street State School, Western Australia | |||||||||||||||||||
Evening |
Wednesday 18 August | Fremantle Town Hall | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes national broadcast stating that ‘The Labour government would not, during the war, socialise any industry; the Labour Party had no affiliation with the Communist Party; Labour was not willing to govern with all other parties; the Government had used its National Security Powers wisely.' 160 | |||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 19 August | Fremantle electorate | ||||||||||||||||||
Spends time in electorate. Makes final statement before the general election, referring to it as ‘the most momentous election in the history of Australia.’ 161 |
Friday 20 August | Western Australia | ||||||||||||||||||
Spends time in electorate. 162 |
Saturday 21 August | Western Australia |
Election Day. Curtin won an ‘astounding victory’. In Fremantle his previous majority of just 600 votes had been converted into a majority of 20 000. 163 |
Sunday 22 August | Western Australia | ||||||||||||||||||
On winning the election, makes statement that: ‘The people have broadly endorsed the administration of the Government at a period during which the nation was in grave peril and they have given us a mandate to proceed with the execution of the policy which I enunciated on behalf of the Government. I deeply appreciate this demonstration of confidence and all the members of the Government will do their utmost to justify the trust that has been imposed in them.' 164 |
Monday 23 August | Cottesloe | ||||||||||||||||||
Hears of success in election and says that the Labour Party would ‘endeavour to discharge the great trust that has been reposed in us.’ Makes statement indicating continuance of War Council on the same basis, with the same functions. 165 |
Wednesday 25 August | Cottesloe | ||||||||||||||||||
Having several days’ rest: ‘…potters around the garden of his modest brick villa … spends many hours in the pleasant book-lined sitting room reading … may have an odd night out at the pictures and see a local game of Australian rules on Saturday.’ However: He ‘receives a daily visit from his private secretary … scans cable messages keeping him in touch with the latest war developments and signs essential papers as Minister for Defence to keep the administration moving.’ 166 |
Thursday 26 August | Western Australia | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces the terms of the Fourth Liberty Loan. 167 | |||||||||||||||||||
c. Friday 27 August | Perth - Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Leaves Perth by train to Canberra. 168 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 1 September | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Welcomes and meets with the Under Secretary of the Department of War of the United States (Judge R P Patterson) and the Director of Production in the Office of the Secretary of War of the United States (Lieutenant-General W S Knudsen). Announces that, ‘On the cordial invitation of the Commonwealth Government, Mrs Franklin D Roosevelt will visit Australia on completion of her present tour of New Zealand.’ Announces an amendment to the National Security (Racing Restriction) Regulations. 169 |
Friday 3 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Meets Mrs Roosevelt visiting from America Makes statement on the state of the war on entering its fifth year. ‘…I am confident that victory is in sight. The leaders of the United Nations now plan for attack, not for the desperate defence of such a short time ago. In Europe, over the Atlantic, in the Pacific, the banners of the United Nations are unfurling in high endeavour. Our fighting men thrust at the enemy; the supreme effort is near. The peoples of the United Nations have built up a strength in resources which reflects the toil of the four years that have passed. |
Saturday 4 September | Parliament House, Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Tenders official welcome to Mrs Eleanor Roosevelt on behalf of the Commonwealth Government. Attends luncheon to honour of Eleanor Roosevelt, at which she was presented with ‘the first photographic copy of Captain Cook’s autograph journal – one of Australia’s most historic treasures. 171 |
Monday 6 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes matters to be discussed by the new Cabinet, and at which Curtin was asked :‘… about his intentions regarding a trip abroad.’ Curtin replied that ‘There were no immediate problems which called for his presence as Prime Minister abroad’ and that: … ‘A visit abroad by himself at present would have no more purpose than goodwill. There were more important problems still at home. He also announced his intention to build up the External Affairs Department and to appoint ‘men to go into the islands after the Japanese had been driven out to watch Australia’s economic and commercial interests. This was where a friendly press would help because some of the men appointed would have no apparent diplomatic claims but would be really “economic” bandits who would fight the go-getting American commercial interests on Australia’s behalf.’ Makes statement indicating ‘gratifying and encouraging interest’ in ‘a new approach to Empire government after the war’ in the form of an Empire Council. Announces first session of the 17th Parliament for 23 September 1943. Makes statement on War Cabinet adoption of a recommendation that the essential needs of the Pacific islands are to be fulfilled to the maximum extent, having regard to Australia's own essential requirements. 172 |
Tuesday 7 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and talks about his proposed Empire Council, before turning to the White Australian policy: ‘He said this was not racial theory. … Implementation of such a policy did not occur in any Australian Act. The only Act which dealt with immigration was the Immigration Restriction Act … Dr Soong, the Chinese Foreign Minister, fully appreciated Australia’s views on this matter, but not so Dr Hsu Mu, Chinese Minister in Australia, whom Curtin could have recalled if he wished.’ Announces repeal of amendments to the National Security (Supplementary) Regulations. Makes statement on War Cabinet consideration of second report of the Parliamentary Man-power and Resources Survey. 173 |
Wednesday 8 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on conference with coalminers. ‘The Minister for Supply and Shipping (Mr Beasley) and I have conferred to-day with officers of the Coal and Shale Employees Federation. The discussions centred around the need for increased production. ’Makes statement indicating that delays in the movement of shipping would not be countenanced. 174 | |||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 9 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces surrender by Italy. [On 8 September 1943 (Greenwich time), the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces (General Eisenhower) announced that the Italian Government, of which Marshal Badoglio was Prime Minister, had signed terms of unconditional surrender.] ‘Waiting until France was prostrate, the Fascist Government of Italy struck. Now the unhappy people of Italy have had to lay down their arms in the face of the advancing United Nations and, at the same time, combat all the vengeful horrors which their German masters will, no doubt, perpetrate. Italy can rely on the United Nations in resisting German outrage and in dealing justly with its people and their problems. The collapse of Italian resistance points the way to victory in Europe. Nazi Germany faces unconditional surrender which will be delayed only to the extent that the people of Germany continue to suffer the overlordship of the Nazi party.The swiftly moving events presage the defeat of Japan. Our gallant forces in the Pacific are taking the war to Japan. Slowly the attrition is taking its toll of Japanese strength. That, combined with the ultimate loss of both Axis partners, makes the end for Japan inevitable. We can celebrate the surrender of Italy with thanksgiving in our hearts, but without any relaxation in our devotion to duty. Until the men on the battlefronts of the Pacific can take a holiday, it would be incongruous for us at home so to use a day required for work as to lessen the support for those men.’ Makes statement indicating that the proposal for the appointment of a Joint Parliamentary Committee to report on the application of National Security Act regulations, would stand. 175
Sunday 12 September | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Joined by Mrs Curtin, who stayed ‘for the customary two months before returning to her family home.’ At a reception held for Mrs Curtin at the Melbourne Town Hall, she stated that ‘it was the duty of all women to take an interest in politics.' 176 |
Tuesday 14 September | Menzies Hotel, Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends luncheon in honour of American senators touring Australia and the South-West Pacific area to investigate the war situation. | |||||||||||||||||||
Melbourne | |||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of War Cabinet. 177 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 15 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Welcomes to Australia Senators R B Russell, R O Brewster, A B Chandler, J Mead and H C Lodge, junior, of the United States Congress. 178 | |||||||||||||||||||
Saturday 18 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Sends messages of appreciation to Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Land Forces (General Sir Thomas Blamey) and Commander-in-Chief of the South-West Pacific Area (General Douglas MacArthur) on the successful capture of Lae. 179 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 20 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
? – 2.00 pm ‘Moved Senator Collings, seconded Mr Barnard, that Leader and Deputy Leader be elected without the usual ballot. Carried. Mr Rosevear moved, Mr Barnard seconded a motion That Mr Curtin be appointed as Leader. Carried unanimously. Mr Curtin thanked members and gave a short resume of the war position.’ 180 |
Thursday 23 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces personnel in the ministry of the second Curtin Government. 181 | |||||||||||||||||||
Friday 24 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on government policy on the continuance or otherwise of war risk insurance. 182 | |||||||||||||||||||
Saturday 25 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces composition of Production Executive of Cabinet and makes a statement on its role.183 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 27 September | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Parliament re-assembles. Makes statement on War Cabinet decision to relax National Security (Racing Restriction) Regulations so that racing on the first Saturday in each month is permitted. Announces Full Cabinet decision to appoint Dr Lloyd Maxwell Ross as a senior member of the research staff of the Department of Post-war Reconstruction. Attends last formal meeting of Prime Minister’s Conference. 184 |
Tuesday 28 September | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements
Announces Full Cabinet decisions:
Tables report on the Brisbane Line missing document and moves that the report be printed. 185 |
Wednesday 29 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
10.30 am? – 1.5 pm |
House of Representatives | |||||||||||||||||||
Welcomes women MPs, congratulating Dame Enid Lyons on her maiden speech as the first woman to sit in the House of Representatives. Makes statement on stoppages in the coalmining industry. ‘I regret these stoppages. They are detrimental to the war effort, but it is Australian citizens who are associated with them. They have their grievances. Some are legitimate, while others are, I think, just excuses for other purposes which the men may have in mind. If the problem were as simple as some Members of Parliament seem to suggest, I am quite certain that there would be no difficulty in obtaining increased production.’ Announces that there would be no further co-options onto the War Council. 186 |
Thursday 30 September | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the use of manpower and refuting the suggestion that US government will be asked to send civilians to Australia. 187 | |||||||||||||||||||
Friday 1 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on War Cabinet review of the nature, extent and balance of the Australian war effort in the light of the manpower position. Makes statement on the intention of some miners’ lodges to disregard daylight saving. ‘Complete disorganization will result unless miners attend for work under daylight saving time. National Security (Daylight Saving) Regulations are the law of the land and, in the name of the Government, I direct that the law be obeyed.’ 188 |
Sunday 3 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Opens exhibition by the Canberra Kennel Club. Says he has the ‘greatest respect for the sagacity, loyalty and intelligence of dogs. Amid laughter he added: “I sometimes think that the qualities displayed by dogs might well be displayed by humans – certainly in some of the councils I have in mind.” A dalmation owned by chauffeur Ray Tracey, won second in its class.’ 189 |
Monday 4 October | Sydney Town Hall | ||||||||||||||||||
Opens the 4th Liberty Loan for £125 million to back the attack now being launched against the enemy. Appeals to people ‘on the home front to back the attack not only with their money but by their behaviour.’ ‘More than 2000 were in the hall, which will seat 2600. About 1000 stayed outside, where they said it was cooler. An amplifying system relayed speeches and musical items to them. The flag was decorated with Allied flags and loan slogans.’ 190 |
Tuesday 5 October | Sydney | ||||||||||||||||||
Confers with a representative gathering of unions associated with the coalmining industry. ‘Today's discussions were largely exploratory and were useful. The miners' representatives put to me the great strain felt upon workers by fatigue …’ Makes statement on Japanese atrocity on allied airman, in response to the release by Allied head-quarters of a Japanese diary describing the execution by decapitation, of an Allied airman in New Guinea. 191 |
Wednesday 6 October | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on strikes in the coalmining industry. ‘I have to say that I am doing my very best to get coal for Australia. … I have endeavoured to do my best with those that are responsible for getting coal. … I say to the country that a little more understanding of the problems of coalmining would perhaps evoke realization on the part of the coalminers that they are not the mere slave of industry which at times they had reason to believe they were. It is desirable, I believe, to evoke in their minds realization of the importance of their labour to the salvation of the country.’ Announces:
Thursday 7 October | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Reviews the New Guinea campaign, based on reports tabled at a meeting of the War Council. Announces arrival of new cruiser HMAS Shropshire, a gift from the British Government, replacing HMAS Canberra. ‘... In HMAS Shropshire, Australia has acquired a very formidable fighting ship. Completed late in 1929; with a main armament of eight 8-inch guns and eight 4-inch anti-aircraft guns, she has undergone refits which embody the lessons learned in four years of warfare. Just what those improvements are it would be unwise to suggest, just as it would be unwise to give any indication of the ship's present whereabouts or her future movements.’ States that, ‘as soon as it is practicable for all the [Dominion] Prime Ministers to assemble it is almost certain that they will then meet.’ Makes statements on:
Friday 8 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces instructions for the flying of flags on Commonwealth Government buildings and public participation on the national day of China on 10 October, marking the 32nd anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Republic. Makes statement on changes in the economy required for the continuation of the war. 194 |
Monday 11 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Presents statement of views of the president of the southern district of the Coal and Shale Employees' Federation, Mr F Lowden. Makes statements on:
Tuesday 12 October | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on nationalisation. 196 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 13 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
10.30 am? – 1.45 pm |
House of Representatives | |||||||||||||||||||
Announces amendments to the National Security (Racing Restriction) Regulations, removing some of the restrictions on racing. Announces amalgamation of Department of Information and the office of Publicity Censorship and the appointment of the Chief Publicity Censor, Mr E G Bonney, as Director General of the combined departments. 197 |
Thursday 14 October | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference at which he hands on to press representatives a request from the British Government that: ‘Comment in Australian newspapers suggesting that the end of the monsoon season in Burma would see the beginnings of an offensive in the Southeast Asia area, be discontinued. … The published comment had had the effect of creating excitement and causing Japanese reinforcement of the area.’ During debate in the Estimates Committee, is required to respond to criticisms that the armed forces are oversupplied with manpower and that these additional people would be better served in agriculture or industry. Makes statement on Government decisions on the production and rationing of coal. 198 |
Friday 15 October | House of Representatives | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Tuesday 19 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on War Cabinet appointment of an inter-departmental committee to report on civil aviation organisation and policy during the war and post-war period. ‘So that Australian civil aviation may be established on sound lines as soon as possible, and be in a position to proceed with its vigorous development when the war ends.’ Makes statements on:
Wednesday 20 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Mrs Curtin inspects Lancaster bomber “Queenie VI” Makes statements on Full Cabinet decisions :
The citation reads (in part): '....In March, 1943, he dived over half a mile through intense and accurate anti-aircraft fire to bomb his target at the lowest possible altitude. When his bombs burst they started a fire which was later widened by other aircraft and ultimately developed into a conflagration sending flames to 1,000 feet and smoke to 8,000 feet. In the course of this attack his aircraft suffered four direct hits which punctured the petrol tanks and caused considerable damage to both mainplanes and engines. He flew the aircraft in this condition for 180 miles and landed with his crew safely at his base despite a flat main tyre. On the following day, without hesitation, although conscious of the danger, he repeated this magnificent act. His objective was a building adjacent to the same anti-aircraft positions, but a more difficult target. He attacked with the same inimitable courage, through similar accurate anti-aircraft fire, but when he made a direct hit on the objective his aircraft burst into flames. He executed an excellent landing on the water and members of the crew were observed swimming to the shore. The burning target was evidence of the success of his project which was undertaken with great risk to life. By skill and great bravery he accomplished his task, but there is every reason to suppose that in so doing he gave his life in the service of his country.’ Mr Curtin said, ‘“This is the third Victoria Cross to be awarded in the New Guinea campaign, and is an indication to the world of the deathless heroism of Australia's fighting men. I offer to the family of a brave man the congratulations of the Australian Government on the award, and am sure that all Australia joins in offering solace in their proud grief." 201 |
Thursday 21 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the decision of Full Cabinet to introduce meat rationing. 202 | |||||||||||||||||||
Friday 22 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Speaks at State luncheon to the United Kingdom Press delegation, stating that ‘Australians were to be regarded not only as Australians but as British people holding a great bastion for the Empire.’ Makes statement on new instructions for addressing mail to prisoners of war and internees in enemy hands. ‘… Only relatives and close friends should write. This restriction is in the interests of the prisoners, as delays in censorship abroad are increased if letters are too long or too numerous. In the case of letters to prisoners in Japanese hands, it is emphasized that the text of the letter must not exceed 25 words, and the letter must be typed, or written in block capitals. Letters to such prisoners should not be sent more frequently than once a fortnight.' 203 |
Sunday 24 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes national broadcast warning that if the goals of the Fourth Liberty Loan were not met that ‘the Government could not countenance “the things that retarded a total war effort.”’ 204 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 25 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes further statement on meat rationing. Makes statement on the volume of betting at race meetings. ‘I would very much have liked if the money invested at Randwick and Flemington racecourses on 23rd October, 1943, had been devoted to the Fourth Liberty Loan. Most of the punters would have done better to have backed Australia than the horses they apparently backed. … I understand, also, that a great number of punters pulled rolls of notes out of their pockets which reveals at once why the note issue has gone up. I do not hesitate to say that the man who pulled five £100 notes out of his pocket, as reported, to put on a horse, is a thoughtless enemy of his country. That is putting it mildly.’ 205
Tuesday 26 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and says he was ‘pleased at the trend of the Moscow talks on which he has been fully informed.’ He also: ‘…gave the tip that while all eyes are on Italy which is in the news, we should look elsewhere for possible openings. He did not elaborate further except to say that we were hoping for air bases from which to operate against the Rumanian airfields.’ Announces:
Wednesday 27 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Met with miners’ leaders in a ‘nine-hour long discussion of coal problems.’ 207 | |||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 28 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on banning Christmas greetings to internees and prisoners-of-war in enemy hands. ‘After very careful consideration and having regard to the welfare of Australian prisoners of war and internees in enemy hands, the Government has decided not to grant permission this year to despatch to them Christmas greetings, cards and calendars, thereby falling into line with the practice adopted for this year in Britain. The decision has been made after learning the views of the camp leaders who had pointed out that last year prisoner of war mails became disorganized by reason of enemy censorship being unable to handle in reasonable time the volume of normal mails because of Christmas greetings, cards and calendars. It had been pointed out by the camp leaders that the delay in ordinary mails at Christmas had caused great disappointment to prisoners of war and internees who preferred not to receive Christmas greetings, cards and calendars at the expense of delay to normal letters.’ Announces usual observance of the signing of the Armistice of 1918 at the conclusion of the first world war. 208 |
Friday 29 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces the appointment of a Secondary Industries Planning Commission. 209 | |||||||||||||||||||
Saturday 30 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the Government offer to the House of Commons, to supply a replica of the Speaker’s Chair in the House of Representatives of the Australian Parliament to replace the one destroyed at Westminster. [The Australian chair is a replica of the Speaker’s Chair of the House of Commons, given in 1927 by both Houses of the British Parliament. The offer was accepted by the British Government, but the matter was left in abeyance until after the war.] 210 |
Sunday 31 October | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Expresses disappointment at the progress of subscriptions to the Fourth Liberty Loan. 211 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 1 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Receives Major-General J S Lethbridge, leader of the British military mission in Australia, Rear-Admiral F H W Goolden and Air Commodore L L MacLean. 212 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 2 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference at which: Curtin delays his promise to release ‘off the record the decisions of the Moscow conference,’ but which includes ‘the story on the proposed trade missions … He referred to the missions as “commercial bandits” who were going to see that the “bandits” of other nations did not deprive Australia of her trade.’ Makes statement that the selection of units to take part in specific operations is entirely a matter for the Commander-in-Chief, General MacArthur. ‘It would be curious for me to say to General MacArthur that he must use one particular force in an operation and not the force he himself determined.’ 213 |
Wednesday 3 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference which includes discussion on merchant shipping and supplies. Representatives receive the ‘transcript of an off-the-record talk to correspondents in Moscow by Mr Anthony Eden,’ which was cabled out to Mr Curtin. Makes national broadcast warning that the failure of the Fourth Liberty Loan would be the ‘equivalent of losing an AIF division with all equipment in action.’ Announces:
Thursday 4 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Gives directions for the displaying of flags on Commonwealth buildings on 7 November, the National Day of Russia, and inviting private citizens and business firms to join in. 215 |
Friday 5 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the four-power (United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and China) declaration of security at the Moscow Conference. ‘Although the four-Power declaration of security has less of an immediate practical character than some other decisions of the Moscow conference, it has a special significance in that it is the first agreed governmental statement outlining the security arrangements contemplated for the immediate post-war period. The declaratory powers pledge themselves to act in concert both in bringing about the surrender and disarmament of their respective enemies and in the adoption of the measures necessary to prevent those enemy powers from again becoming aggressors. Until a general system of security is established, the four Powers undertake to act as custodians of the peace on behalf of all the United Nations, each of which will have the right to take part in the consultations preceding any decision to take joint action on behalf of the community of nations.’ 216 |
Saturday 6 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Mrs Elsie Curtin leaves to return to Western Australia. 217 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 8 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends luncheon for the Canadian Press Delegation, Messrs A Ford, B T Richardson and L Pare, and expresses gratitude for Canada’s assistance during the war. 218 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 10 November | Melbourne, Victoria Barracks | ||||||||||||||||||
Meets with members of the Australian Council of Trades Unions and discusses coalmining questions Attends meeting of War Cabinet. Announces over-subscription of the Fourth Liberty Loan. 219 |
Thursday 11 November | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and: ‘… privately describes Evatt’s statement on the Moscow conference as “somewhat effusive”. … Evatt also privately agrees that there has been some rather fulsome talk about the conference. Attends ceremony to place Commonwealth and State wreaths on Rock of Remembrance. Speaks about Armistice Day: ‘Every generation has its challenge. For the men of 1914-18 it was a sacrifice, the measure of which will endure wherever the English language is spoken. Remembrance of them calls from us all on this day a determination that to-day's generation shall be as worthy. We look back upon the years that have passed since the Armistice Day of 1918. We see the evidences of the failure to achieve the things for which those men fought - the lost causes and the unfulfilled ideals. So to this generation comes the challenge that not only shall the fighting men be given everything that will enable them to win through in this terrible struggle, but that they shall have, in common with all peoples, a new world. This is a solemn day. It should be for all an occasion for dedication. Upon the sacrifices of the men of the last war and of this war can, and must, be built a society in which the causes of war shall be eliminated. It will not be sufficient if gallant men give their lives, shatter their bodies and wreck their minds simply to win a military victory over the forces of aggression. There must be, too, a victory over everything that is alien to a decent way of life. That should be our Armistice Day ideal, for realization within our generation.’ Makes statements on:
Friday 12 November | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on production policy for heavy bombers. 221 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sunday 14 November | Melbourne Town Hall | ||||||||||||||||||
Speaks at reception for Canadian press delegation, given by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Nettlefold. Uses the occasion to ‘stress the ties of Empire rather than the new-found links to North America.' 222 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 15 November | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and reveals that ‘Britain and Russia have decided to ask Turkey to join in the war by the end of the year.’ Announces the appointment of HRH the Duke of Gloucester as Governor General of Australia, to succeed Lord Gowrie. [Lord Gowrie was Governor of South Australia, 1928-34; Governor of New South Wales, 1935-36; Governor-General of Australia from 1936 - a term which was extended for one year in 1940, for a further year in 1941, and for a further year from January, 1943.] 223 |
Wednesday 17 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and intimates that Australia’s role in the South-West Pacific would be that of ‘”a hewer of wood and carrier of water”. By this he meant that we were to concentrate on the food supply position and leave the fighting to others.' 224 | |||||||||||||||||||
Friday 19 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement indicating no change in the portfolios of Mr Beasley as Minister for Shipping and Mr. Drakeford as Minister for Civil Aviation, in response to comment by Minister for Transport, Mr Ward, that all land, sea and air transport should be controlled by the Commonwealth Transport Department. Makes statement on the arrangements made with the State Premiers for State police to co-operate in the policing of illegal trade in rubber and tyres.225 |
Monday 22 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Statement comparing Australian and Canadian methods of loan-raising. 226 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 23 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of full Federal Cabinet, which decided to appoint a sub-committee on Constitutional powers. Announces the reconstitution of the Central Coal Reference Board. Makes statements on:
Wednesday 24 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Attends meeting of War Cabinet which decided to appoint ‘a Central Realisation Board to consider the question of disposal and realisation of war assets at the termination of hostilities.’ Makes statements on:
‘Women (including widows) with children under sixteen years will not be enlisted unless they have special academic or technical qualifications not usually held by women and which are required for particular posts in the women's services. The possession of these qualifications must be supported by the production by applicants of a certificate or diploma of a recognized institution or body for the special qualifications required. In these cases also, it must be assured before enlistment that the children will be properly cared for, for example, by relatives or at boarding schools. In regard to women with dependants other than children, these will be enlisted if it is considered desirable by the interviewing services' representatives attached to the manpower offices.’
Thursday 25 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and indicates that he is: ‘… anxious that Australian papers should avoid raising the White Australia issue or even referring to the term “White Australia” at the present juncture. He [Curtin] is concerned about the effect on the coloured people, particularly the Chinese, who are on our side in the war. He points out that there is no legal term “White Australia” which is a term arising out of a policy legally set out in the “Alien” Immigration Restriction Act. … He said he does not want the Japanese to be given propaganda material for use in China. … Dr Hsu Mu, the Chinese Minister, has raised the White Australia question with Curtin in the past and on previous occasions Curtin has indicated that he has had a number of difficulties with Hsu Mu. … Curtin made a brief statement for publication today on the White Australia issue, but he issued instructions that it should be censored for broadcasting and transmission overseas.’ Announces application of strike regulations (National Security (Mobilization of Services and Property) Regulations), to woodline workers employed by Goldfields Firewood Supply Company, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. Denies reported references in the press to a contemplated change in immigration policy. Makes statements on:
Friday 26 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and indicates he is ‘greatly concerned over the implications of the Moscow decision regarding a second front in Europe in the spring, which America favours and Russia seeks. … Curtin said that he had no doubt that Churchill was very worried.’ Makes statement defending black market prosecutions and breaches of the Simplification of Meals Order. 230 |
Monday 29 November | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on a report submitted to the War Cabinet on lend lease, the reciprocal agreement and the provision of aid by Australia to the United States. 231 | |||||||||||||||||||
c. end November | Brisbane | ||||||||||||||||||
Meets with General MacArthur, and discusses issues that had ‘particular reference to the “serious and prolonged operations” against Japan.’ 232 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday 1 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on Australia’s food commitments to Britain. ‘The Government is determined in regard to food that the commitments that it has given to Britain, together with the obligations that it has undertaken in relation to the forces, will be discharged. This makes it imperative that Australians should ration themselves cheerfully as another contribution to the united cause for which we are fighting. … It must not be forgotten that in Australia's hour of danger Britain supplied not only Spitfires, but much of the equipment that helped to save this country from invasion. Australia could not do less than its utmost to safeguard the British people from starvation.’ 233 |
Thursday 2 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Announces the appointment of a special parliamentary committee to examine the pay-as-you-earn taxation plan and alternative proposals. 234 | |||||||||||||||||||
Friday 3 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on meeting with General MacArthur: ‘…The war effort of Australia is now entering upon a new phase. The defensive stage has passed and the initiative has been gained from the enemy. … I repeat the gratitude of the nation to all those on the fighting and home fronts who have contributed, many with their lives or at great sacrifice, to this improvement in the situation. … There is no more difficult and delicate operation in war than the passage of a nation from defence to offence. The diversions and re-groupings involve endless adjustments over the entire national economy. … General MacArthur has expressed his full agreement with the general principles laid down by the Government. … [his] attitude has been in keeping with the warm co-operation and complete understanding that have always expressed themselves in his relations with the Australian Government. … I have assured General MacArthur that Australia's war effort, whatever shape it may take by this process of re-adjustment, will be the maximum of which Australia is capable.’ Makes statement on meeting between President Roosevelt, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek and Mr Churchill and issues text of joint public communiqué. 235 |
Saturday 4 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on Christmas spending. ‘The Christmas season is almost at hand. I ask the Australian people to pause before planning this year's celebration. Normally, all would be commencing to purchase gifts for friends and relatives. But this season of friendship and goodwill is overhung by the shadow of war. All Australians will not celebrate Christmas in Australia. Men and women of the fighting forces are scattered on battlefront of sea, land and air throughout the world as part of the democracies' army against oppression. This country is on a war footing, keeping to a plan that will ensure to the fighting forces a steady and expanding stream of war material without which all their valour would be of no avail. An orgy of unrestrained and foolish Christmas spending would disrupt that plan and reduce the effectiveness of the nation to maintain its war programme. No true Australian at such a time in the nation's history dare do anything that would divert the energies of the country away from the vital task. Thoughts of a peace-time Christmas must be set aside. That means saving, not spending money. I ask the Australian people not to waste money on peace-time gifts. The war effort dictates the type of gift to give - war savings certificates and national savings stamps. Keep Christmas for the fighting men's benefit, not for individual pleasure and satisfaction.’ 236 |
Monday 6 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds first press conference since returning from Brisbane and a meeting with General MacArthur. Mr Curtin said ‘he did not intend to give any off-the-cuff record review of his talk with General MacArthur.’ Reviews the state of the war. Makes statement and speaks at a press conference on the official anthem of Australia, God Save the King, and the playing of Advance Australia Fair: ‘The Government does not recognize Advance Australia Fair. It is not the official anthem. ... I do not know of any anthem, other than the national anthem, God Save the King, which has been adopted as the Australian anthem, but I know that Advance Australia Fair has been used extensively as a typical Australian song by the Australian Broadcasting Commission at public meetings and the like, and so has Waltzing Matilda been sung a lot, particularly in Canada by our airmen.’ Makes statement on Full Cabinet decisions on cost of living increase, the reduction in the rate of pensions, and the fixing of the rate by regulation. 237
Tuesday 7 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Wednesday 8 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Remains in the Lodge all day with slight illness. Issues statement confirming the entitlement to play Advance Australia Fair if so desired: ‘The Minister for Information (Mr Calwell) is perfectly entitled to request the motion picture theatres to play Advance Australia Fair, or any other anthem if he thinks that it will help build morale. The leaders of the motion picture industry are equally entitled to carry out his request if they so desire.’ Makes statement on Full Cabinet decision to amend the National Security (Supplementary) Regulations, prohibiting the display of posters containing electoral matter over a certain size, providing for their operation in all State and Territorial elections and referendums. Receives message of ‘cordial greetings and good wishes’ from Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek on Australia entering the third year of the war and responds appreciatively. 239 |
Friday 10 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Monday 13 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes prime ministerial statement on censorship. ‘The Australian Government's view, which is shared by the Commander-in-Chief, is that the newspapers should be free to treat all accounts of the war as their judgment regards proper, the only stipulation being that there shall not be conveyed to the enemy information that would be of use to him.’ 241 |
Tuesday 14 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference on censorship issues. Makes two-hour speech at opening session of federal Labor conference stressing Australia’s attachment to the Empire. ‘Curtin was given standing ovations by the delegates and his speech was hailed by the press in both Australia and Britain.’ ‘Mr Curtin’s fine speech … to the delegates of the ALP Conference was in line with the ideas of every thinking Australian.’ Makes speech on Australian policy on external affairs. ‘A new world is being created to-day by the terrific struggle in which we are engaged. The declarations of the aims for which the peoples of the United Nations are fighting, working, suffering and dying have promised that it will be better than the one we knew with its recurrent wars and grievous sacrifices, its economic depressions and widespread want. These declarations mark new milestones along the road of human progress and confer new charters on the rights of man. The four essential human freedoms defined by President Roosevelt, and the common principles of national policies as outlined in the Atlantic Charter, are comparable in their significance to Magna Charta, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. Freedom of speech and worship, freedom from want and fear are the minimum conditions under which man can attain his best self as an individual, as a citizen of a nation, and as an inhabitant of a world society. |
Thursday 16 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement denying newspaper reports that he had told delegates at a Labor Party conference that he would be visiting London early in the new year. 243 | |||||||||||||||||||
Friday 17 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statements on:
Sunday 19 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on application of a direction under National Security (Supplementary) Regulations to the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited, to ‘discontinue the lock-out at the beginning of the shift commencing at midnight, 19th December, 1943.' 245 | |||||||||||||||||||
Monday 20 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference and says he will not ‘budge on the seamen’s dispute over escort vessels. … “If it was not Christmas or if an election in the Seamen’s Union was not pending, there would be no trouble,” said Curtin. “We just cannot provide the ships for the trade. … It is utterly impossible to authorise more escort vessels without weakening the position in the north.”’ 246 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday 21 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on a direction to (under National Security Australasia, (Mobilization of Services and Property) Regulations) members of the Seamen’s Union of Australasia, to return to work. Makes prime ministerial statement on food supplies and food shortages. |
Wednesday 22 December | Canberra | ||||||||||||||||||
Holds press conference in which: He ‘makes special reference to a cable message published in some morning papers revealing that an airline was operating between Ceylon and Australia. Existence of this line was revealed by Curtin off the record some weeks ago. He said he was not blaming the papers for publishing the story, but the Communications Censor should have stopped it. … Curtin said he did not propose to impose a censorship on further reference to the line but he makes a request to all papers to exercise a voluntary censorship.’ Makes statements on:
Friday 24 December | Canberra - Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Travels by car to Melbourne. From the time Curtin ‘leaves Canberra until he returns three weeks later, his movements will be subject to censorship. He will give no interviews and make no statements during his absence from Canberra, all statements in his name being issued from Canberra. … During his absence no Cabinet meetings will be held.’ 249 |
Saturday 25 December | Melbourne | ||||||||||||||||||
Spends third successive Christmas away from home, but with his two married sisters and his brother, George. ‘He has not had a Christmas dinner with Mrs Curtin since he became Prime Minister.’ Leaves by train for Perth. 250 |
Sunday 26 December | Melbourne - Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Visits St Vincent’s Hospital to see Tom Unkovich, a West Australian jockey who was injured in a severe fall at Moonee Valley. Evening |
Wednesday 29 December | Perth | ||||||||||||||||||
Makes statement on the award of the Victoria Cross to Private Richard Kelliher. ‘The award of the Victoria Cross to Private Kelliher is symbolical of the heroism with which our fighting forces have engaged the enemy in the New Guinea campaign. I offer my congratulations to his mother, with whom the nation will share a great sense of pride. Returning from his already gallant action Private Kelliher next requested permission to go forward again and rescue his wounded section leader. This he successfully accomplished, though under heavy rifle fire from another position. Private Kelliher by these actions acted as an inspiration to everyone in his platoon and not only enabled the advance to continue but also saved his section leader's life. His most conspicuous bravery and extreme devotion to duty in the face of the heavy enemy fire resulted in the capture of this strong enemy position.' 252 |