National Leader


The answers to the following questions are found in the 'National Leader' section of the exhibition in the panels headed Look Ever Forward & What is the Role of the Federal Government?.

You can print this page and write your answers in the spaces provided, checking against the sample answers after you have finished the 10 questions.

1. In 1942, what body did John Curtin see as primarily responsible for post war reconstruction?


2. As prime minister, what did Curtin vow to do for Australia's armed forces and workers?



3. a. When was the Department of Post War Reconstruction set up? ______________________

    b. What does this say about Curtin’s planning for the future?___________________________


4. List the 3 commissions and the training scheme set up by this department.





5. What other changes did Curtin introduce to set the foundations for a fairer post-war Australia?




6. Which of these changes do you think was most important? Justify your choice.





7. Why was Curtin so concerned about having a social welfare state? (Clue: Look for information about Curtin’s early life in the Working Man's Paradise section of the exhibition.)




8. Do you think Australia still needs the sort of social welfare programs that existed in the 1940s? Justify your answer.






9. Study the cartoon The Honeymoon is over and its caption.

    a. Identify the characters in the cartoon and their role in Australian politics.

Man with fair hair: _____________________________________________________________

Man with dark hair: ____________________________________________________________

   b. Suggest a date for the cartoon giving reasons for your choice. _________________________


  c. Who do you think is in the honeymoon suite? ______________________________________


  d. To what does the caption refer? Put the cartoon in its historical context.




10. Look at the comic book style cartoon called 1946 Repeats Itself - Chifley Spells Security.
Comment on the following aspects of the cartoon:

   a. Source of cartoon _________________________________________________________

   b. Target audience __________________________________________________________


   c. Bias ___________________________________________________________________


   d. Purpose ________________________________________________________________


   e. Style of presentation and its effectiveness _______________________________________




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