Index of Keywords
Keywords used in the Digital Project
Each document has been assigned with between one and three keywords.
Clicking on a keyword will link the user to all the documents covered by
that keyword. Selecting documents through the keyword index allows the user
to view documents which have been drawn together from across the range of
categories and which are linked by the subject content of the documents.
Within this listing individual documents are identified by date (unless
unavailable), author and unique identifier. The unique identifier is composed
of alpha characters corresponding to its category and/or its sub-category,
and a three digit number. For example:

- Air Travel
- Alcohol
- Alcohol, control of
- Alcohol, industry
- Anniversary greetings
- Appointments
- Army Supplies
- Assistance, request for
- Australian War Memorial
- Birth Control
- Birthday Greetings
- Blamey, General Sir Thomas
- Bowling
- Casey, R G
- Censorship
- Chocolate restrictions
- Christmas Greetings
- Churches, relations with
- Churchill
- Coal Mining Industry
- Coal supplies
- Communist Party
- Company finance
- Condolences
- Conscription
- Curtin, friendship
- Curtin, illness
- Curtin, speeches
- Daylight saving
- De facto relationships
- Defamation, racial
- Defence
- Devine, Sir Hugh
- Discrimination
- Discrimination, women
- Employment
- Employment, Women
- Evacuees, overseas
- Evatt, H V
- Fisheries
- Football, professional
- Foreign Affairs
- Gambling
- Gambling, restriction of
- Get Well Greetings
- Gilmore, Dame Mary
- Hotels
- Hughes, W M
- Industrial Disputes
- Industrial Relations
- International Relations
- Invitations
- Lang, JT
- Langslow, Major
- Lyons, Dame Enid
- MacArthur, Douglas
- Massie, RJA
- Media
- Medical Services
- Military service
- National Govt, formation
- National Security
- Ordnance production
- Page, Sir Earle
- Parliament
- Pensions, widows
- Poetry
- Prayer, National Day of
- Press Relations
- Prisoners of War
- Racing, abolition
- Recruitment
- Returned Soldiers
- Rome, bombing of
- Sheep & Wool Industry
- Shipping
- Shipping Control Board
- State Parliaments, abolition
- Stevens, Sir Bertram
- Strikes
- Support for Curtin
- Support for Government
- Taxation
- Telephone services
- Training, soldiers
- Travel arrangements
- Travel, overseas
- Unions
- Wages
- War Cabinet
- War effort
- War effort, donations
- War loans
- War pensions
- War publicity
- Warloan, gifts
- Weapons, stocks
- White Australia Policy
- Works, building