Banning of the Communist Party in World War II - Document 1


Study the following documents and then try the quiz below
(Document 1 - 'A Prime Minister and his People' - R.024 FA Finn September 1942)

Letter to John Curtin from  FA Finn, 15 September 1942

Clipping from 'The Catholic Weekly', Sydney, September 10, 1942

Quiz - Document 1

1) The letter was written on behalf of

One answer only.
   the Honorable John Curtin, Prime Minister
   the Catholic Weekly Newspaper
   the Most Reverend N.T. Gilroy, Archbishop of Sydney
   the Catholic Evidence Guild of New South Wales

2) The letter was written to

One answer only.
   the Honorable John Curtin, Prime Minister
   the Catholic Weekly Newspaper
   the Most Reverend N.T. Gilroy, Archbishop of Sydney
   the Catholic Evidence Guild of New South Wales

3) The letter expresses the view that

One answer only.
   the Communist Party aims to overthrow Christian principles
   lifting the ban on the Communist Party will adversely affect national unity
   Catholics in New South Wales are frightened by communist ideas
   all of the above

4) The writer of the document requests that the receiver

One answer only.
   lifts the ban on the Communist Party
   places a ban on the Catholic Evidence Guild
   uses his influence to prevent the lifting of the ban on the Communist Party
   speaks to the Archbishop of Sydney about the Communist Party

5) The letter represents the views of

One answer only.
   all Catholics in Australia
   all Australian citizens
   all members of the NSW Catholic Evidence Guild
   all of the above

6) The Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, as reported in the newspaper clipping from the Catholic Weekly of 10 September 1942, believed that the Communist Party was dangerous because

One answer only.
   it was committed to bank nationalisation
   it was increasingly powerful in the trade unions of Australia
   it was committed to achieving power through violent revolution
   it was pro Russia and anti Britain

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