Educated Person - "Marat"
About the meanest stunt of the many put up during
the election campaign was the wearisome insistence on the part of one
candidate that he was possessed of “brilliant educational attainments.”
This kind of self-advertisement is positively well, sickening. Of course
it is a fine thing to be “educated”! In a way, I am disposed
to flatter myself on the subject. I’ve undergone travail in half-a-dozen
seats of learning. For quite a while I studied language under a past master
named “Shifty” – never mind his other name! Later on
I graduated in a shop at Montagu, which is nigh to that distinguished
home of culture, to wit, Port Melbourne. Here, mathematics of the exact
sort got me swatting – swatting is a perfectly proper ‘varsity
word – and for some seven years I calculated, measured and otherwise
evolved the precise cost to a gentleman profiteer of importing wire from
Germany, running it through an abominable noisy machine, and passing it
on to a nicely organised vend, preparatory to it’s consumption by
the building contractors of Australia. I can assure all and sundry that
very few astronomical mathematicians have had the training vouchsafed
me in this school of profound computations. A job that was estimated to
be over and done with in, say, six hours, would always be over and done
with in six hours, no matter how long it took or the number of men engaged
on it. No Oxford Tripos could have got near me in assessments of this
character. |
Of a surety there were
occasions when the mathematical equation would have been absolutely impossible
but for the reinforcing qualities of my language attainments. Even at that
early period in education I was forced to admit that specialisation could
not get one anywhere. He who was a mathematician would fail; but he who
had degrees in languages could somehow get ahead in mathematics! At this
point, I was persuaded to sit for literature, the professors being a committee
of timber-workers who daily had me writing essays on the thesis that 9/-
a day was more to the point than 8/-. The examiners - they were appointed
by some of the leading commercial and businessmen in Melbourne! - actually
had the amazing effrontery to reject this thesis as preposterous. Such was
the low ebb of education at the time! I naturally complained to the Professors
that their lectures were not in accordance with the accepted standard. To
my consternation they ordered me to study economics and in the light of
this additional subject confound even the examiners. How this was finally
done need not here be told. Suffice it to say that by the joint aid of languages,
mathematics, literature and economics, the thing was done. I have other
claims to distinction - who has not? - but I merely write this as a kind
of offset to the absurdity of a candidate for Parliament boasting about
his "education". That he didn't get in is a tribute to the electors,
of which, as a person of real education, I am proud to have been one. |