House Of Representatives,
Canberra, A.C.T.
Dear Adele,
I find it difficult to fully express my regret that you should find
that the time has come to transfer to another appointment. This
ending of our association is a wrench. Your work has been so
faithfully done & the way you have done it has so charmed your
colleagues & myself that I could wish you were going on with us. But
life does cause these severances & I understand well the urges of
your nature & can out of my experience & my friendship give them full
echo. I thank you very much for all the help you have been, for the
comfort which confidence in you gave to me, & for the pleasure I
daily had in observing your charming disposition & grace of mind.
And very very much I wish you happiness & fulfillment in the years
Will you please,
in some little token of your own selection, use the
attached as a reminder of the time you have spent with us here. We
shall be glad, I know I shall.
Count myself in
nothing half so blessed as in remembering my good
And may you too, feel a little blessed in a similar recollection.
My compliments to your Father & mother & my deep regard to you.
John Curtin