

My Darling,

I have not a moment to spare & all I can say in this note will have already
reached you by wire. Despite all the horrible things that were communicated to
West Australia behind my back the Directors have decided to appoint me as Editor
of the paper. Five out of six Directors voted for me and there were 33
applicants so I cannot but feel greatly indebted to them for being so good to
me. I know I can justify their choice & will do it.

They desired me to leave Melb. so as to catch tomorrow's boat from Adelaide but
that is too sharp Mrs Sharp altogether I will leave on Wednesday by the

Now I propose I go over

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& get established: then I'll try & raise the £200 or the £1000—or some other
equivalent—& thus bring my little girl from her "terrible" parents. I'll write
to you this evg more fully. No time now.

Curiously enough I only wrote to Russell yesterday telling him the West was off—
but it isn't. Anstey was here today arguing about everything. I have to
collect papers, books, references—God alone knows what—I am to save the West for
Labor if I can! It is a destiny Sweetheart worth having & you'll be my lamp &

Will write tonight.

Yours in the doorstep
