1) How did John Curtin feel about conscription for overseas service in World War I?

One answer only.
   He was totally opposed to conscription in World War I.
   He was totally in favour of conscription in World War I.
   He led the campaign to introduce conscription in World War I.
   He was neither for nor against conscription in World War I.

2) Why did Prime Minister John Curtin introduce conscription for overseas military service in World War II?

One answer only.
   Because he was forced to by pressure from Britain.
   To defend Australia from invasion by Japanese forces and for other political and strategic reasons.
   Because he believed that conscription was always necessary in time of war.
   To support the austerity campaign that he was promoting in Australia.

3) What was the difference between the two Australian armed forces, the AIF and the Militia?

One answer only.
   The Militia was made up of volunteers who could fight overseas while the AIF was made up of conscripts.
   Men in the Militia fought in the army and navy while men in the AIF were in the air force.
   The Militia was made up of conscripts while the AIF was made up of volunteers who could fight overseas.
   There is no difference. The Militia is just another name for the AIF.

4) In the World War I cartoon 'Your turn next', a menacing brutish figure stands over the fallen body of a woman while a small child looks on in fear. What do you think each of the characters represents?

One answer only.
   The menacing brute represents Europe, the woman is Germany, the child is Australia
   The menacing brute represents Japan, the woman is Australia, the child is New Zealand.
   The menacing brute represents Germany, the woman is Europe, the child is Australia.
   The menacing brute represents Germany, the woman is Britain, the child is Australia.

5) Why was the Australian Labor Party (ALP) so concerned about introducing conscription for overseas service during World War II?

One answer only.
   The ALP was worried that conscription would leave too few men in the labour force to run the war industries.
   The ALP believed that conscription was traiterous.
   The ALP didn't believe that the threat from the Japanese was serious enough to warrant conscription for overseas service.
   The ALP was worried that the conscription issue would split the Labor Party in the same way it did in World War I.

6) In order to divert as many of the nation's resources to the war effort as possible, Curtin introduced:

One answer only.
   the Austerity Campaign
   the Conscription Campaign
   the Volunteers Campaign
   the Recruitment Campaign

7) Three ways in which the government encouraged Australians to help the war effort were:

One answer only.
   going to the races, gambling and drinking alcohol (spending more boosted the economy).
   recycling food and scraps, growing vegetables and investing in war bonds.
   growing vegetables, joining the women's volunteer forces, fighting for equal wages for women.
   investing in war bonds, going to the races, shopping with ration books.

8) When a woman joined the WRANS, which service did she belong to?

One answer only.
   the airforce
   the army
   the medical core
   the navy

9) Women worked in non-traditional jobs in Australia during World War II because:

One answer only.
   they were tired of being housewives and raising children.
   they wanted jobs which were paid at the same rate as men.
   they were needed to work in factories, workshops etc doing jobs previously undertaken by men who were now serving in the armed forces.
   they were keen to learn to weld and make munitions.

10) In World War II in Australia, war loans (Liberty Loans) helped raise money to:

One answer only.
   assist the Government to finance the war effort.
   support children orphaned or left homeless by the war.
   provide food parcels for soldiers serving overseas.
   assist people to set up gardens and grow their own vegetables.

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