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Books, alphabetically by author
Abbott, E.A. How to write clearly: rules and exercises on English composition. London, Seeley and Co., 1894. Adamson, B., Comrades all: and other poems for the people. Sydney, Current Book Distributors, 1945. Aldrich, B.S. A lantern in her hand. London, D. Appleton-Century Co, C1928. Alexander, J A. Who's who in Australia. Melbourne, HWT, 1941 Allingham, W. , Fifty modern poems. London, Bell and Daldy,1865. Anderson, E. Adventures in Appleshire. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1944. Anderson, E. Timeless garden. Sydney, Australasian Publishing Co., [1945]. Anstey, Frank. Red Europe. Fraser & Jenkinson, Melbourne 1919. Anstey, Frank Money Power. 1921 Anstey, Frank Facts and Theories of Finance. 193? Arnold, M., Poetic gems. London, Collins, [ND]. Atkinson, M ed Trade Unionism in Australia: Report of a conference held in June 1915. Atkinson, Meredith. First aid to essay writing. Australia, Workers' Educational Ass., n.d. Attlee, C R Labour's Aims in War and Peace. 1940 Backhouse, E. In our hands. Perth, Paterson's Printing Press Ltd, [1942]. Backhouse, E. Day will break. Perth, C.H. Pitman, [ND]. Bain, A. Mental and moral science: a compendium of psychology and ethics. London, Longmans, Green & Co, 1884. Ballantyne, RM. The Coral Island. London, Ward Lock, n.d. Barclay, F.L. The rosary. New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1909. Barclay-Smith, C. Good health for all. Sydney, The Leisure Age Book Company, 1939. Barker, C.O. Tablette topics. Perth, Barker, [ND]. Barrett, C. Bushland babies. Sydney, Cornstalk Publishing Co., 1924. Bax, E.B. The Story of the French Revolution. 2nd ed. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1892. Bax, E.B. A short history of the Paris Commune. The Twentieth Century Press Ltd, 1903. Bean, C E W The Official history of Australia in the war of 1914-1918. Volume 1: The story of ANZAC, by C.E.W. Bean. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1921. Bean, C E W The Official history of Australia in the war of 1914-1918. Volume II: The story of ANZAC, by C.E.W. Bean. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1924. Bean, C E W The Official history of Australia in the war of 1914-1918. Volume VII: The Australian Imperial force in Sinai and Palestine, by C.E.W. Bean. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1924. Bean, C E W The Official history of Australia in the war of 1914-1918. Volume VIII: The Australian Flying Corps, by F.M. Cutlack. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1924. Bean, C E W War Aims of a Plain Australian. 1943 Bedford, R. Naught to thirty-three. Sydney, Currawong, [ND]. Bellamy, E. Equality. London, Heinmann, 1897. Belloc, H The Servile State. 1912 Belloc, H Danton: a study by Hilaire Belloc Bennett, A. Anna of the five towns. London, Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1912. Bennett, A. The Regent: a five towns story of adventure in London. London, Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1913. Bennett, D. Freedom from war. London, Pilot Press, 1945. Bernays, C A Queensland Politics During Sixty Years: 1859-1919 Bessell-Brown, G. The road to Kokoda and other verses. Melbourne, Robertson & Mullens, 1943. Bishop, W. Winged peace. Toronto, Macmillan, 1944. Blatchford, R Britain for the British. 1902 Blatchford, R. Dismal England, London, walter Scott Ltd, 1899. Blatchford, R. Not guilty: a defence of the bottom dog. London, Clarion Press, 1906. Bliss The New Encyclopaedia of Social Reform Bliss, W.D.P. A handbook of socialism. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co. 1895. Bojer, J., The great hunger. Hodder & Stoughton, Bolan, G The Plain Facts as to the Trusts and the Tariff. 1903 Bool, H & Carlisle, S comps For liberty (liberty luminants) an anthology of revolt, compiled by Henry Bool & S.Carlyle. London, C.W. Daniel, [ND]. Boote, H.E. A fool's talk. Sydney, The Worker Trustees, 1915. Boudin, L.B. The theoretical system of Karl Marx: in the light of recent criticism. Chicago, Charles H. Kerr, 1912. Bourne, G. Nutrition and the war. Cambridge, University Press, 1940. Brady, E.J. The land of the sun. London, Edward Arnold & Co., 1924. Bretherton, V. The rock and the wind. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1944. Bristow, G. Tomorrow is forever. London, William Heinmann Ltd., 1944. Brown, W. Hong Kong aftermath. Sydney, Peter Huston, [1944]. Buchan, J. The courts of the morning. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1939. Buckland, A. The story of English literature. London, Cassell, Petter, Galpin & CO., 1882. Burns, R. Poems. New York, HM Caldwell Co, [ND]. Bury, J B A History of Freedom of Thought. London, Williams & Norgate,191? Butler, A.G., The Australian Army Medical Services in the war of 1914-1918 Volume 3. Canberra, Austalian War Memorial, 1943. Byron The Poetical Works of Lord Byron, 1911 Caine, H., The deemster. London, Collins, [ND]. Caine, W. Mendoza and a little lady. Sydney, Cornstalk Publishing Co., 1924. Campbell, P. & Howard, P. Remaking men. London, Blandford Press, 1954. Carlyle, T., Past and present. New York, George Routledge & Sons, [ND]. Carr, H.W. Henri Bergson: the philosophy of change. London, T.C. & E.C. Jack, [1911]. Carter, RN [ed]. Advanced Accounts. London, Pitman, n.d. Carton de Wart, H. The way of honour. London, George Allen & Unwin, 1918. Chambers, G. F. A handbook of astronomy. London, John Murray, 1861. Cheguin, M. Japan and the Japanese:what Australians should know. Sydney, New Century Press, [ND]. Chester, A John Curtin. 1943 Chifley, J.B. Things worth fighting for: speeches by Joseph Benedict Chifley selected and arranged by A.W. Stargardt. Melbourne, Australian Labor Party, 1953. Chisolm, A.C. The incredible year. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1944. Churchill, W.S. Savrola: a tale of the revolution in Laurania. London, Longman's, Greeen & Co., 1900. Churchill, W.S. The world crisis 1911-1914. London, Thornton Butterworth, 1923. Churchill, W.S. The world crisis 1915. London, Thornton Butterworth, 1923. Churchill, W.S. The world crisis 1916-1918 Part I. London, Thornton Butterworth, 1927. Churchill, W.S. The world crisis 1916-1918 Part II. London, Thornton Butterworth, 1927. Churchill, W.S. 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The 28th: a record of service with the Australian Imperial Force, 1915-1919. Perth, Public Library, Museum & Art Gallery, 1922 Collins, Tom Such is Life. Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1944 Cook, J. The Boston Monday lectures. Volume I. London, Richard D. Dickinson, 1881. Cook, J. The Boston Monday lectures. Volume II. London, Richard D. Dickinson, 1881. Cooper, F. The pathfinder. London, T. Nelson & Sons, [ND]. Copeland, L ed Popular quotations for all uses. Edited by Lewis Copeland. New York, Garden City Publishing, 1942. Copland, D.B. Towards total war. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1942. Craik, W. W., Outlines of the history of the modern British working class movement. Melbourne, Victorian railways Union, 1918. Crockett, J Reconstruction: a program for Prosperity. 1941 Crockett, S.R. The stickit minister's wooing. London, Hodder & Stoughton, [ND]. Curie, E. Journey among warriors. London, William Heinmann, 1943. Curtis, L World War: its Cause and Cure. 1945 Dakers, A. 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Dawes, A Soldier Superb: the Australian fights in New Guinea by Allan Dawes, 1943 Day, Selwyn Australia's Imminent Peril. 1934 De Garis, LG Labour or Gold? 1919 de Maupassant, G The Complete Novels of Guy de Maupassant de Serversky, A P Victory through air power by Major Alexander P. de Seversky, 1942 Deakin, A. The federal story: the inner history of the federal cause. Melbourne, Robertson & Mullens, 1944. Denning, Warren Unification by Warren Denning. 1930 Dennis, C J Digger Smith. Angus & Robertson Sydney, 1918 Dennis, C J Jim of the Hills. Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1919 Dennis, C.J. The moods of Ginger Mick. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1916. Dietzgen, J. Some of the philosophical essays on socialism and science, religion, ethics, critique of reason and the world at large. Chicago, Charles H. Kerr & Co, 1908. Douglas, P H Wages and the Family. 1925 Dowd, B., Poetry militant. Melbourne, Lothian, 1909. Dowd, B., The silent land and other verses. Melbourne, Lothian, 1909. 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